13. PIE, a whole new difference?

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“Don’t go.” Her unexpected words ring in my ear much to my dislike but as I stare into her eyes, I could see something different, something I had never seen in them before. For the first time, she actually seemed humane. Someone in need just like everyone else and not the perfect little princess she had always portrayed herself to be. Somehow, that stirred a little something up in me.

Suddenly, she let go of my hand and it falls back to its place by my side.

“I… I mean…” She started, an obvious attempt to cover up the mistake she just made.

“… I’ll scream.” She added and I couldn’t help but narrow my brows at her. Now, where on earth was she headed to with this charade of hers.

“Then when people come, they can have in on our little arrangement as husband and wife so it’s best you just do as I say for the night.” She threatened whilst looking back up to me. Her greedy self returning to its former abode. Clearly, I saw wrong there for a minute.

“You’ll tell the world our secret?” I questioned and she nodded after a little hesitation. I stared at her for what seemed like ages before looking away while letting out a tender scoff. I walked past her and towards the bed. I could feel her sight following me.

“Fine. I stay on the bed and you… wherever you please.” I commented as I threw her pillow to her grasp.

“Wherever I please?” She repeated and I took one look at her before getting on the bed, covering myself properly with the duvet. I reached for the lamp and switched it off. Staring up to the ceiling through the darkness, a silent sigh eludes my lips.

What am I doing?

An unpleasant question rings throughout my mind. Here I was letting this strange woman spend the night in my room. Truthfully, this was never part of the plan. The plan was just to get married and then live our separate lives. Somehow, she doesn’t seem to get the memo. First thing tomorrow morning, I’ll explain everything to her. For now, I’ll just have to forget everything and get some sleep.

Slightly, the bed moved and I furrow my brows at that feeling. Regardless of it, I concluded right away that I might have felt wrong but then the same feeling repeated and instantly, I put on the lamp to see what could be wrong. My eyes widened before a slight frown surfaced.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I questioned, staring directly at Harieth who had presumably crawled her way up my bed and was in the process of hiding her legs under the same duvet as me.

“Trying to sleep.” She replied once she was done hiding her legs away. Immediately, I sat up, staring at her with much contempt.

“On my bed?”

“Yes.” She replied with a single nod. For a moment, I stared at her quite speechless. She stared back at me. Suddenly, her eyes widened.

“Wait. You… you were expecting me to sleep on the floor?”

“Yes and if not that, there’s a perfectly good sofa. You can’t sleep on the same bed as I.”

“Why?” She questioned, her eyes boldly staring back at me in an inquisitive manner.

I hated it. Slowly an amusing expression drew up across her face.

“Oh don’t tell me…” she halted for a moment as the amusement on her face grew bolder and her eyes held a naughty look.

“… you actually think there’s a possibility of something happening between the both of us.” She stated amidst a light chuckle and I looked away from her, irritated by what was presently going on.

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