22. One hell of a COOKIE.

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“Pick up. Pick up Harieth.” With the phone stuck to my ear, I hurried down the street, scanning every corner and everyone that walked past me for any sight of her but nothing worked out.

Where could she have disappeared to?

I withdrew the phone away from my ear and redialled her number. After countless ringing, it got disconnected. I redialled once more, refusing to give up and seeing this as my only way of getting through to her. This time, it didn’t ring. She had switched off her phone and my only method of reaching out to her was gone.

In a sigh, I drew to a standstill and stared around. Finally clueless of what step to take next.

How did I get here? How did I end up doing this?

Perhaps, I shouldn’t have turned her away when she came to the office. I should have thought more about the kind of person she is, someone who wouldn’t just stop causing ruckus everywhere she goes. If I had let her stay, what happened wouldn’t have happened and I wouldn’t be in this state right now.

             6 hours earlier...


“This way Mrs. Hendrix.” The cheeky eyed staff directed before leading the way. Emerson and I followed behind.

“What are we doing here? I’m not in the mood.” A lady dragged and I drew to a stop. My brows narrowed at the familiar voice.

“Harieth.” Emerson who had gone quite ahead called my attention. I gave her a second look before turning back, heading for the lobby.

“I don’t care. I know we've never done this without... well you know who but that has to change. We don’t need her...”

“Really?” I questioned with arms folded across my chest. They both looked up to me and the first expression that played out on their faces was surprise followed by something I couldn’t quite point out. That alone annoyed me. I wanted to see guilt, guilt in their eyes, on their faces. I want them to feel regrettable for abandoning me.

“Harieth.” Stacy pronounced my name in an exhausting manner and I hated she did that. We were friends, best of friends, all three of us and they abandoned me when I needed them the most.

“I see you two have no shame, showing up at places we used to frequent together.” I started as I took steps closer to them. They remained silent and I hated it. I need them to talk, speak up, say something to explain their actions. Maybe, just maybe, I might forgive them.

“Let’s go Stacy; we don’t have to answer to her anymore.” Paris encouraged as she clenched onto Stacy’s arm and tried dragging her along with her but I quickly stood in her way just as she was about to take a step further, releasing my folded arms in the process.

“You’re not going anywhere.” I breathed through closed teeth, staring her directly in the eyes. She stared back, the anger and hatred surging through her eyes.

“You two owe me some big explanation. I got into a little problem and the two of you bailed on me. What kind of friends are you two?”

“Friends?” She questioned with an annoying scoff then took a step back away from me.

“I don’t know about Stacy but you and I were never really friends.” I blurted out and a light frown surfaced between my brows.

“You had quite the popularity both on school grounds and off it and I needed a little of that so I hung around you. It’s that simple.”

“If so, what changed? You could have kept being the dog you are. Why give up on your master now?” I questioned right away, pretending like what she just said didn’t really get to me. If Paris knew me at all then she would know it has to take more than those words of hers to pull me down.

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