Chapter Four: Haunting Experiences And Terrible Plans

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DRIP, DRIP, DRIP. WILL SPLASHED HIS FACE with cold water with a hope that it would clear his mind. It didn't. Running a hand through his brown curls, he looked at the reflection of the boy standing in front of him.

He eyed the image distastefully. There were dark circles under his green eyes, his face was tired and pale. He hated looking at his reflection: he knew he was strong, but it was more like he was convincing himself that he was strong for two years.

Sighing, he went to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. Again with the hope that the bitterness would refresh his mind. Carrying the mug of coffee into the hall, he sat on the couch all by himself, eyeing the surroundings. Anything that would distract him.

Crushed papers were scattered around him. When he couldn't sleep, he had come out with his drawing pad and pencils with the hope that drawing would make him feel better. The drawings came out worse than usual and Will did what he always did. Stared at the sketches he drew until he hated them.

Kai's guitar was perched at the corner of the room, the TV screen frozen at the video game Theo and Jade had been playing the previous day. Theo's spectacles were on the coffee table, along with the stack of Rose's books she brought from the public library.

Will sighed as he ran a hand through his hair again, making it stick up more. It had been three days since that haunting experience and the image seemed to be burned at the back of his mind. His mind seemed to be on a loop, playing the same scene over and over again.

Will had seen the person throwing himself off the roof in slow motion. Will's feet had been rooted to the ground. In fear or shock, he didn't know. He had been screaming at himself to run towards the person with the hope that he might live, even though Will knew it was futile. No one would survive a fall from that height.

Kai had somehow managed to snap into action and ran at the fastest pace possible, and Will had tried to catch up with him. Some people had already gathered around the body. Person, Will had amended himself with hope, even though he knew it was futile. People had formed a circle around the person and were murmuring as a siren wailed loud, indicating the police had arrived.

Will had caught a glimpse of the person and his blood ran cold. He couldn't believe it. He told himself that he imagined it, but it was confirmed that his eyes weren't deceiving him when someone hauled him up on a stretcher.


His black hair had been matted with blood, his skin turning pale. Grey eyes were fixed at the sky and someone had reached over to close his eyelids. Will had stumbled back. Anthony might've looked like he was unconscious or sleeping if it weren't for the bruises covering him.

There had always been something about dead people. As if some essential spark had been removed from them, removing what made them human and living.

Will hadn't really known him, not really. Anthony had been sitting at the same table as them during lunch, but he never spoke. He was sad that Anthony was no more, but more than the sadness, he was shocked. What dominated both emotions was guilt.

More guilt added to the guilt which had already been eating him away.

He felt guilty that he couldn't do anything about it, stood watching as a person jumped to his death. Will walked towards the kitchen again, to wash the empty mug. Or to get himself another cup of coffee.

He was pondering over his decision when pain shot up Will's head like fire. Will cried out in pain as he saw a familiar figure emerge out of the darkness. "Oh my god! Will! Shit, I thought it was a thief. I'm so sorry!" Theo spoke, staring at Will with wide, brown, innocent eyes. The only thing which stopped Will from snapping at him was the innocent expression Theo bore.

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