Chapter Fourteen: Surfs And Surprises

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ROSE PANTED AS SWEAT DRIPPED DOWN HER forehead, and she looked at the cover she was carrying. She removed the book and scanned it for any damages, then put it back in after patting it. She looked at the gasping creature in front of her and sighed. "This is precisely why I tell you to run often."

Jade looked up and glared at Rose but puts her hands on her knees immediately and gasped, "It... doesn't... matter." Rose, Jade and Shay flinched when they heard a sudden noise and ran towards the sound of the noise immediately.

They found a little black cat hissing at Leo who was growling at it. Broken pieces of a flower pot and soil lay scattered in the ground in front of them.

Rose and Jade went to sit by Leo to stop his barking while Shay raises the cat in mid-air by the scruff of its neck, talking to it. Rose smiled as she absent-mindedly ruffled Leo's hair. Shay had a habit of talking to animals who always stared at her intently as she talked.

Shay hugged the cat against her chest and stroked the top of its hair as she walked out of the house. Leo whimpered. Jade grinned, "Feeling jealous huh, Leo? Shay always loves you no matter what."

"C'mon," Rose said as they went inside the house. Rose always held in a breath when she entered the house, even though she was living in it now. It was a gorgeous house, both the interior and the exterior.

They found the guys sprawled on the floor, looking serious. "What's going on?" Rose asked, sitting on the floor and staring at the screen of the MacBook they were staring at.

It was blank.

Jade frowned, "Is this some sort of a prank of some..." she trailed away when three of them lifted their heads and looked at both of them blankly. When nobody answered their questioning stares, Rose sighed. "I'm going to hit you if you won't answer. In three, two, o..."

Will raised his hands in front of him defensively, "No! Don't do that! We've been thinking, that's it. Well, when you guys were out buying things, we decided to look for any other news they weren't publishing in the newspaper. Someone wrote an article about how they came across Eric, the guy who wrote that on the wall, arguing with Samuel. Both of them are close, I mean, Eric holds a big position in the company and Sam is the owner. According to the person who wrote the article, they were at their necks screaming at each other."

Rose processed what Will was saying and her eyes widened. Eric had written Look what you made me do on his wall before dying. And he had a fight with Sam earlier. "When did they have this fight?" Shay asked, tapping her fingers against the floor nervously.

"A day before he died."

Rose exhaled, deep in thought. There may be two reasons that was written on Eric's wall: One, either he chose to convey that message to Sam which said 'look what you made me do, you made me kill myself' before killing himself. Two, Sam was the one who killed Eric, injecting him with the liquid. Rose suspected it was the latter one, even though it depended on an if statement. An if statement whether Royale Pharma is the one producing injections which leads people to kill themselves.

"There's more."

Rose's head snapped up. "The reporter actually wanted to interview Samuel Taylors, about the dead vice president of the company and the upcoming medicine. But she heard this argument when passing through a corridor. Apparently, she had been testing the audio recording and the entire argument was caught on the tape."

Jade's hand was outstretched to get hold of the MacBook, to listen to the tape herself. Theo shook his head wearily, "We've been hearing the tape on repeat. Nothing's audible. I mean, you can tell that two people are whispering to each other furiously, but you can't really make out what they are speaking about. But..."

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