22. love again

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October 9th, 1986. Hotel in Glasgow. 8:47. A.M

I nerve wrackingly enter the bathroom, Roland stops the door from being shut, "I want to know." he said in concern. I nod softly before sitting down on the toilet and taking the test.

Now the worst part, waiting. I placed it on top of the bathroom counter, sliding my back down onto the cool tiles and pulling my knees up. He did the same, stretching his legs out on the ground. What a feeling to have him right here besides me I thought.

I'm just like the rest, a married woman sleeping around behind her husband's back. I just couldn't shake it. Roland impatiently reaches for the test, I block his hand and grab it myself. I shake as my hand pulls it into eye view, to reveal a small pink plus, meaning the test is positive.

My hand immediately flies over my mouth with a giant gasp, I re-flexed and threw the test out of the bathroom. I couldn't find the power to look at Roland, I didn't want to see his reaction.

"Shit." He uttered soft enough that I could barely hear him. In the corner of my eye, I could see he was looking at me. I covered my stomach with both hands, trying to figure out how a child was growing inside of me. Suddenly all the symptoms that I pushed aside started to flood back one by one.

The cravings of odd foods, the tighter jeans and missed periods. I was so busy with the whole tour lifestyle, that I didn't even think twice about any of the weight gain. Everyone on tour put on a couple of kilograms, we ate out every day. How could I possibly be expecting? I've always been super careful with these sorts of things, or at least I think I was.

"I don't want it." I said bluntly, looking up to Roland with wet eyes, "And you have absolutely no say because it's my body." I knew he didn't want kids at this stage in his life. But what I didn't know was who is the father.

October 9th, 1986. Venue in Glasgow. 7:57. P.M

The stage was lit up in a lovely blue coloured, it mesmerised the crowd as Roland stepped forward to the microphone, his lips grazed the top of it, "There's only need. I love your need, so much I'm losing me. I cannot see the reason for the pain."

His voice lingered through my ears so hauntingly, "With hungry joy, I'll be your toy. Just hope you will play. Without hope my body starts to fail."

I'm watching from the crowd, trying not to let them bum into me as he sways up on stage, his earrings catching the light every second, "Memories fade but the scars still linger. Goodbye my friend will I ever love again..."

That line struck a cord inside of me, indeed goodbye my friend... I lost you the moment we slept together, and will I ever love again, no. I can't possibly love again after cheating on Curt.

I'm watching Roland move like this, imagining he's mine, when right besides him is my beautiful, faithful husband. It's too late, I'm too late, I've run out of time. Who is this girl who is sleeping with her husband's best friend and telling these lies...

The show goes on, I can't possibly take my eyes off of him. Every time he looks up, I knew exactly what he was thinking off. It's so sweet, swinging to the beat of my heart. Under the concert lights, my wedding ring glistened. For the first time in a long time, I slide it off my finger and tossed it into the crowd, somehow I felt free, like I had let our marriage go.

 October 9th, 1986. Venue in Glasgow. 8:20. P.M

Soon as the show finished up, Roland took me by the wrist and we raced out, onto the streets before calling the taxi. The all night clinic had an opening, and this was the only time to do it. 


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