Don't trash talk Tony's son

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And tis the last chapter.  This was fun. And I wanted to write so much more about this, but alas, I have finals starting tomorrow,  and it lasts an entirety of two months 😭😭😭

So, this is it. I hope you guys like this. And I'll write more on the other book after the exam.


Let it be absolutely and clearly known that they did not, by any means want Howard Stark to  meet The avengers who has a past with abusers.

But the problem with that is...... Well, the guy is currently unconscious. And Bruce is a doctor. No matter how much the man denies being that kind of doctor,  he still is the one to give them the first aid after battles. (Mostly because they're all stubborn little shits who don't really like hospitals.)

So obviously he is the person they have to go to with a unconscious Howard. 

Tony..... Doesn't really know what to feel about the whole thing.

On one hand, he had to see Howard again.  And seeing his mother wasn't really ideal.

But on the other hand, his husband is now hugging three year old him and he looks confused. Older him,  -for the record - would like it pointed out that he didn't really need to be comforted, especially since he won't remember anything anyway.

But it's not like he's going to stop Steve from comforting a child. Ever. Besides,  the man has a kicked puppy face no one above 5'6" should be allowed to have and Tony is not masochistic enough to subject himself to that.

"Does him being unconscious have anything to do with why Steve is hugging mini Tony right now?" Clint asks moving next to Tony and staring at Steve incredulously.

"He didn't know Howard used to hit me. " Tony replies taring his eyes from Steve and looking towards where Howard was sprawled across an infirmary bed. Clint winced and nodded.

"Hey Doc, what's the news on daddy dearest?"

"He should be fine, might have a concussion but he should be up in a few minutes. " Bruce sounds.....tremendously unconcerned. Considering how stressed he looks anytime one of the family ends up in the infirmary.

Tony raises an eyebrow in question.

"Don't take this the wrong way Tony, but I really don't care about your dad." wow. Ok then.

"Yikes, go easy on him doc." Wade says from his place in between Peter and the chair they're sitting on.

Bruce shrugs. Tony withholds a snort. What even is his life?

"You're not really of the hook yet you know." he tells Wade raising an eyebrow not sure who he was trying to fool.

"Yeah, sure thing, totally worth it. Also Petey baby could sneak me in. " Wade says resting his head on Peter's shoulder the boys head was leaned back on Wade and he was asleep, Tony didn't want to bother him is the only reason he wasn't starting something with Wade. He does not think that they're cute. He doesn't and That's the hill he's going to die on.

Instead he decides to mock their nicknames in his head. Petey baby. Pfft. What a loser. He and Steve didn't have terrible nicknames. (Cough Shellhead Winghead cough)

He looks around the room. The girls refused to spend more time around Howard and Maria, he had a suspicion that that was because  they wanted to stop a double homicide.

Rhodey dropped off Maria and left too, taking a page out of Steve's book to take his frustrations out at poor unsuspecting punching bags.

Bruce took out a book and was reading. Clint was moving towards a vent. He hoped he didn't have to break out again. Bucky left as soon as he saw Tony drag Howard's unconscious form in, mumbling something about Natasha.

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