Chapter Nine

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Elly stepped into the office. Sai Shirsat shut the door and sat at the desk while Elly took the seat across from him. Sai had called her in as soon as she'd arrived, which wasn't unusual. They often discussed sales, schedules, and personnel matters before the lunch crowd hit. What was unusual was his somber expression and reluctance to meet her eyes.

Sai placed his hands on the edge on the desk and finally looked at her, giving a half-hearted smile. "I've been pleased with your work. You've learned the policies and routines, and you see the value in leading by example."

I feel like there's a "but" coming here...

"You've only been here a month, but already the place is running more efficiently. Even Vincent praises you."

Vincent praises me?

Only yesterday the head chef had bawled her out because Mikayla kept forgetting plates on the counter.

Sai nodded. "Duncan steered me right in his recommendation. I have no regrets hiring you."

Am I getting a raise?

"That's why it's so...hard to say this." Sai dropped his gaze to his hands. "I have to let you go."

Elly felt a shockwave hit her body. "What?" Her voice sounded small.

Sai shook his head. "John Theodorou wants to give your job to his daughter."


Elly stared at him.

"I advised against it. I took her on as a waitress, but he feels it's beneath her education."

"What education? She dropped out of Barnard."

With a sigh, Sai replied, "I know. But he's pushing me to move her up. What can I do? He's the owner."

"But she spends half her time checking her makeup and posing for selfies! The only reason I haven't suggested she be fired is because she's his daughter!"

Sai nodded, his eyebrows raised in agreement. "I am just as horrified. I had looked forward to spending more time at home." He gestured his hand toward her, his palm up. "With you, I could do that. With her...I will be here all the time to mitigate the disaster." He sighed again. "I am now looking for another position, as I'm sure Theodorou intends her for my job. This will soon be a sinking ship."

Elly dropped her shoulders. "Is this my last day, then? Do I just go home?"

"That's up to you. Theodorou wanted you to train Mikayla as your backup without me telling you she's your replacement. I refuse to participate in that charade. You deserve to know the truth. I hope you will stay another few weeks at least. But I understand if you find that idea abhorrent. Either way, I'll give you a good reference."

I need this job. I need the money.

But train Mikayla?

You'll have to suck it up. Just until you find another job.

Whenever that will be...

Elly adjusted her position on the chair, sitting up a little straighter. "I'll stay. I'll stay and train her to the best of my abilities. She's not going to like the hours or the work pace, though. And I doubt she'll be any good at tabulating the day's receipts. But I'll try." Elly had a thought. "Maybe she'll hate it so much she'll quit."

Sai leaned back with a smile, steepling his fingers. "We can only hope."


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