Chapter 5 ~ Too Close

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Too close. Shuichi was always too close to Kokichi, despite the pleads for personal space. With each passing day, he got closer. It started small with walking him to class, even making some small talk every now and then. But before Kokichi knew it, he was being pulled off into empty rooms, forced into make out sessions. His attempts to fight back always failed, leading him into giving up. There was nothing he could do. The school didn't seem to care, saying it was normal for teenagers. When he told his mom, she assumed Kokichi was voluntarily getting involved with this stuff, grounding him for a week. Nothing was being done about this, sending Kokichi into despair.

Life seemed to be on repeat, no hope to be seen in sight. That's when it happened. For the first time ever, someone walked into the room, staring at the sight in front of them. Kokichi didn't expect what happened next, trying to turn away in case they started to film it. Next thing he knew, Shuichi was pulled off of him and thrown to the floor. This frightened Shuichi into running off, leaving Kokichi with this stranger.

Kokichi refused to look up and face whoever this person was, too embarrassed and scared. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes, his breath getting caught in his throat. Time seemed to stop, his vision getting blurry. Why wasn't this person saying anything? Were they judging him? Criticizing him? Planning on continuing where Shuichi left off? Anxiety was building up, making everything worse.

Finally, the person knelt down to him, speaking, "Hey! Can you hear me?" It was a feminine voice, mixing between firm and gentle as if she couldn't decided on one.

Kokichi nodded, sniffing. By now, a few tears had fallen, dropping onto the ground in from of them.

"Are you okay? Did he do anything to you? Well, besides that."

Realizing he'd need to start talking, he cleared his throat, struggling to regain his breath. Wiping his tears, he slowly looked up, finally seeing the stranger.

The girl had dark brown hair with a hint of green in two long pigtails down her back, two blue beads holding him in place with a black headband on top. She wore a typical school uniform; blue jacket, white shirt, blue tie, and green skirt. Her green eyes stared down at him, covered in worry. She offered a comforting smile, awaiting for this response.


Kokichi's eyes snapped open, hearing a voice outside of his room. At first, he passed it off as just another memory, turning over onto his side to attempt to block it out. But the voice continued, seeming to be arguing with someone. Another voice soon came after, seeing just as angry as the first. Cautiously, he got off the bed, struggling to ignore the pain in his legs, and opened the door, seeing Miu and Kiibo arguing. Listening closely, with the door opened just a crack, he smirked. No doubt Miu was trying to install a dick again, ignoring Kiibo's protest. This was making his excited to finally leave his room.

But his heart stopped as he heard Miu's next words, his face going pale.

"Come on," Miu shouted, crossing her arms. "I really need your help killing the little freak!"

Little freak? There weren't that many short people in this building. There were multiple possibilities but he could only think of one. The two did seem to have a hatred for each other, so he couldn't say this surprised him all that much. But hearing his own death plotted right in front of him made him feel sick to his stomach.

"Stop this," Kiibo yelled back. "We are not killing him!"

Him? That made the answer all the more obvious. A part of him hoped they were talking about Monokuma, since he technically fit the description. But there was still that voice in his head, shouting what he hoped wouldn't be true.

"Why not," Miu asked. "The little shit deserves it!"

"No one deserves to die," Kiibo said. "Not even Kokichi."

So he was right. Slowly, he backed away from the door, tripping backwards onto the bed. He couldn't believe it was finally happening. And at his weakest time, no less. Usually, he would've turned his attention to his plan, preparing how he'd block Miu's attempt. But his plan was ruined, making it meaningless. No doubt by now Kaito had told everyone his plan, meaning they'd see a new one coming. There weren't many choices left.

He knew he needed to act fast, looking through his notes. Moving somethings around, he struggled to fit his plan back together. Miu's voice was still audible, seeming to get closer. Kokichi turned, thinking she might be deciding to kill him now. Going back to the door, he saw the two heading to their dorms, still discussing.

"I have this programmed world in the making," Miu said. "And that's where I'll commit the crime. It'll be perfect with no one being able to prove it was me!"

Kokichi quickly shut his door, seeing them getting too close. Upon comprehending Miu's plan, an idea started to form. It would take more information, but he was sure if anyone could pull this off, it was himself.


🌿... What? Were you expecting some April fools joke? Yeah, I don't do those. I hate pranks-🌿

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