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Cause if I want you, and I want you, babe
Ain't going backwards, won't ask for space
'Cause space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too

~ Close- Nick Jonas


Everyone was in my room staring at me in shock and the room suddenly felt clustered.

"You don't remember anything?" Wyatt asked softly.

"Of course. I lost control and almost ate a whole buffalo. I thought we went over this? It's not the first time, I'll be fine," I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"That's not what we're talking about Luna," Miles said.

"Then what is it?" I snapped unintentionally but I think it was because he called me Luna and I just got irritated by hearing that word alot.

"I have the video. I'm sorry I had to, it was too good to miss," Remy states and handed me his phone. I played the video and I was dumbstruck at what I saw.

At the end of video I had no words and Wyatt instructed everyone to leave including Stella.

"Why did that happen? Were you possessed?" he asked and I couldn't formulate words.

I thought long and hard on a good explanation for this until it finally got me.

Aunty May.

"No I wasn't possessed. I had a friend, she was in her fifties. She was like a second mom to me. She was also a witch. The most friendly of them all. She hated dark witches. Despised them. Any witch that came on our territory should not be trusted. If they weren't with her before, they were not friends with her. When Aunty May came she had a sister but a dark witch killed her on our territory without our knowing. Long story short when you came to kill my pack I guess before she died she transferred all her powers to me," I explained and his back was turned to me.

"I am sorry about your pack and family. I-" he started but I cut him off.

"I'm feeling really tired. I think I'm going to get some rest," I said dismissing him but he just stood there.

Wyatt's POV

I stood there not only processing her story but trying to figure this girl out. I'm trying my hardest to reach out to her, show her my love and she ignores it. I walk over to her and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Why do you hate me?" I cupped her cheeks and looked deeply in her eyes.

"I don't hate you Wyatt," she said and moved away from me.

"She's afraid of us, you poop," Augustus growled.

"Then why do you distance yourself from me?" I asked, reaching out to take her hand but again she flinched and moved away.

"Because you're a monster," she said.

Those four words kept repeating in my head and it was like getting stabbed repeatedly. I stood up and walked out of her room and to my mine. I started rampaging my room out of anger. I punched the walls several times hoping to feel better afterward but nothing helped. Remy and Miles tried to calm me down but failed. I didn't sleep that night, thinking of another way to win her heart.

Zara's POV

It was like he was breaking down the whole room. The image of him obliterating the room made me feel a bit guilty but I still kinda hated him. What did he expect? He killed my entire pack. The only person I have left is Stella and seeing her everyday is a constant reminder that I am all alone. What was the need of him to harm innocent people? I almost wanted to go to him and calm him down but I knew it was the bond messing with my brain.

What happened to me earlier? Why did Aunt May have to pass her powers to me? My head started to throb from the many unanswered questions filling my head so I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

"Hey cupcake," a soothing yet familiar voice called but I saw no one.

"Hello who is it? Where are you?" it was snowing and I was in the middle of no where.

"I'm hurt that you forgot me so soon," the voice said and my eyes widened as I realised who it was.

"Aunt May? I could never forget you. What's going on? Where are we? How did I get here?" I asked rapidly and she laughed. A laugh I missed so much.

"We're at The Border. It's a place for supernaturals. Innocent supernaturals. If you're not innocent you go directly to hell," she told me.

I guess I'm not coming here.

"Actually you are. Just like your father, you are in both hell and The Border. Because technically you're not innocent but yet you are. You and your father killed people but it wasn't you who killed them per say. Your humanity was just off, so you fed and killed innocents," she explained and I was kinda relieved.

"Who did dad kill?" I asked.

"That's not important and I'm sure that's not the question you want to ask," she raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Why give me your powers? Why did I get mated with Wyatt? Does this mean I'm a tribrid? Is my life in danger because of it?" I asked and she laughed.

"I gave them to you because you will need them for the future. Be patient with Wyatt. He's not as bad as he seems, he just has a bad past. Yes you are a tribrid. Yes you're life will be in danger and already is but also keep an eye on Stella. Keep her close to you all times. Never let her go," she answered and I was left with more questions.

"What does that mean? Is Stella in danger too? I can't forgive Wyatt, he killed you guys. Where's mom?" I asked hurriedly because she was slowly disappearing.

"Your mom is well and happy. Until next time, little cupcake. We all love you," she smiled and waved.

"Zara? Zara, love, please wake up," I heard Wyatt's voice while he was gently shaking me awake.

I jolted awake and Wyatt was indeed looking down at me in concern.

"Why were you crying? What happened? Was it a bad dream?" he used his thumb to wipe the tears and it was comforting until reality hit me and I moved away from him. I saw hurt flash through his eyes.

"I'm fine," I said and went back to sleep.

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