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Zara's POV

The walk back was silent and I preferred it that way. I mentally scanned the faces of every person I've met in my life starting from birth and no one seemed familiar. We were finally home and I left Wyatt to go up to my room.

"Miles! Remy! Office now! I'll be there soon," he demanded. "Zara, wait."

"I really don't wanna talk about it Wyatt," I tried to avoid the conversation but failed.

"You have to tell me what you saw, love," he urged.

"Why does it matter? It could be anything like a bunny rabbit," I tried again.

"It couldn't be, we ate them all and because I need to know what we're up against, to see what dangers are coming," he explained.

"Well obviously you missed a rabbit," I lied, hoping he'd drop it.

"Just tell me what you saw, love please," he asked looking at me intently and using his thumb to caress my hand.

"Two people, a man and a woman with black hair. The lady was in a simple floral dress and the man in a blue shirt and a black pants," I described to him and I looked up to see his eyes as wide as saucers and he shook his head.

"What colour were their eyes?" he asked.

"Uhh ... black," I said and he sighed.

"Did they do anything? Use any gestures or signals of some sort?" he asked.

"Not really, they just stood there and smiled but not in a creepy way. More like they were happy to see me as if they knew me," I told him and tried to read his expression.

"Okay, get some sleep love. It's been a long day," he said and turned around but I stopped him as he opened the door.

"Who are they Wyatt?" I asked.

"I don't know," he lied and left.

How were these people connected to Wyatt? Does he know them or not? But the bigger question is: how is this connected to me?

Wyatt's POV

"What's going on brother?" Miles asked as I entered the office and of course Remy was eating.

"I don't know but Zara saw someone today," I informed them.

"So that's what this is about. I don't have time to hear you cry about you not getting it on with Zara because of what she saw. I have Shadowhunters to watch," Remy complained and looked at me in disbelief and was about to walk out the office until I grabbed him by the shirt.

"For your information Remz, we were just dancing when she saw them," I said and took his Lays.

"Them? Who?" Miles asked.

"She said they had black hair, the lady had on a floral dress and the man a blue shirt and black pants," I described hoping they'd pick up on what I'm getting at.

"Mom and Dad died in those clothes. What does Zara have to do with this?" he asked.

"I don't know but the thing is, they're not mom and dad. Zara said they had black eyes, not blue," I told him and his expression showed that he was confused.

"What? What does that mean?" Remy asked.

"I'm not sure but I have a feeling this is the work of some dark witches and this is just the beginning," I concluded.

Unknown's POV

"What's the next plan sir? Zara saw the parents," the filthy witch asked.

"We send the other two and be not to sure to scare her off. We need her," I instructed and she strolled off to the others to fulfill the next step.

You thought that was the last me Wyatt Stone? When this is over you'll be bowing to me and your beautiful little mate will be my queen.

**cue evil laugh** Well damn suspense. Who do you think the mystery guy is? Place in your thoughts.

Did y'all miss Stella? Well spoiler alert, she'll be in the next chapter. Lots more of suspense will be thrown at you. Enjoy

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