Kiss of Darkness5

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Chapter 5

"What the hell is this?!?" I yelled at Rose and Sunflower. I shut the box and threw it on the floor, scared and confused.

"Well, that would be a gun," said Rose in a mocking tone.

"No shit sherlock," I said venomously.

"Then what are you talking about?" Rose persisted.

"Why do I have a gun?!" I asked, bewildered.

"It would be kind of heard to shoot someone without one wouldn't it be?" mocked Rose.

"Why am I shooting someone???"

"You have a hit-mission! Jesus, can't you read?"

I pulled out the file and flipped it open hastily.

I skipped the boring information and skipped to 'Objective'

Objective: Eliminate Target

I can't believe I missed that. Hit-mission. Hit-list. Duh. Oh my god, what am I doing?!

I realized what I was sent here to do, I had to kill some random guy! I flung myself at the door, desperate to escape. I couldn't do this, I'm not a killer! I could go to jail! What if I got shot? This all should never have happened!

"Not gonna happen, the collar is a tracking device so even if you did get out, he'd find you," Rose said quietly. She stared out the window at the houses flying by. The limo suddenly screeched to a halt and Sunflower got up.

"This is my stop, I'll see you later guys!" An older gentleman in a suit and black gloves opened the door for Sunflower who ran up the driveway of a large house. As soon as she reached the door, the limo started moving again and we were off.

The limo drove on for what seemed like hours, then we finally stopped in front of an apartment building.

"This isn't my stop, so get ready to get out," said Rose. I obeyed for once and put the wooden box gingerly into my duffel bag. I wasn't going to be using that anytime soon.

I got up and walked out of the door that was being held open for me. I hit the ground running and sped off toward the apartment building. I checked the file that held all the information and saw the apartment number, 136. I checked over my shoulder and saw that the limo was speeding off into the distance.

This was my chance. I had to run away from here. I ran in the opposite direction of the limo and looked around for any sign of a location.

My collar started to beep after five minutes of running and I ignored it. The beeping sped up until finally, an electric shock emanated from the collar. It sent me sprawling face-first into the sidewalk. Every move forward earned me another shock until I finally was forced to back up.

Static cam from a speaker on the collar until the static changed into a voice, " Don't try and run, my Chrysanthemum. I've got this game all planned out. Now go be a good sport and play along."

"No! I refuse to play your sick, twisted 'game'!" I yelled. No one answered and I felt slightly idiotic. I tried to move forward again, only to be greeted by another shock, stronger than the first couple.

"I've got eyes on the outside, Chrysanthemum, you can't hide from me. Now turn around and play my game or you will be shocked again."

No. I wasn't going to sit here and play this sick game. I flung the file aside, papers fluttering in every direction. A picture landed near my feet, a photo of two boys, maybe 17? I picked it up and saw that they were identical. A pair of twins. They had grey-black eyes and short black hair. They were smiling and had their arms around each other's necks.

For some reason, this picture sickened me and I crumpled it up. I shoved it into my hoodie pocket and sat down.

I wouldn't play this game. I tugged on the collar for a while but no use.

"Why won't you listen my Chrysanthemum?" Then an overwhelming shock rippled through my body and my eyesight began to get fuzzy. I put my arms out to try and steady myself but I slipped. I lay on the ground, blacking out once more. This was not good.

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