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"Come on, you have to tell me who he is." Jeon Jungkook grins.

Wavy ebony hair dances with the wind then lands on his forehead. The peaceful ambiance of the place matched the gentle wind of the beach, bringing comfort to your skin. Unfinished meals infront of the both of you, both spoon and fork down as you two decided to talk more.

"You." You said, "I mean, what about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" You asked as you nip on your bottom lip.

Although, you know that the chance of you confessing might be low and wont come anytime soon, you didn't want to tell him. You didn't want to grab the chance because it was all overwhelming. You just admitted to yourself that you love him and now, you're confessing?

No. Just no. That's a big wrong move. Plus, if ever you confess, you want it to be on a perfect timing. And you still have to observe if its right to confess because admit it or not, rejection sucks.

Jungkook sips on his juice, after putting the glass down on the table again, he shooks his head. "I dont have a girlfriend." He said.

You swallowed. He doesn't have a girlfriend. A slight flicker on the go signal makes your insides turn, in a good way. Like you're excited for something.

"Yah, this is not about me. Dont change the topic." He pouts.

The backrest of your chair feels comfortable when you let your back touch it. Alright, Jeon Jungkook, let's see how this turns out.

"Why dont we play a game? I will drop a clue who he is if you drop a clue about your ideal girl." You smirk, for a moment, you felt a slight confidence as you face Jeon Jungkook.

You're talking to him as if he's not your crush. As if you dont like him. Its like you're a veteran to the game you're trying to play.

"Fine." Jungkook frowns, "I like charming women."

A smirks errupt from his lips, you laughed. "Very specific, Jeon Jungkook. He's handsome." You nodded to yourself.

He's face scrunched when he realized what you're doing. That moment you wanted to pat yourself on your shoulder for doing a great job.

"That's cheating." He muttered.

"Two can play the game." You shrug.

Jungkook raises his hand and asks for the bill. His eyes didn't left yours, as if he was observing you, squinting every now and then. Jeon Jungkook feels challenged, you know.

You were about to pull money from your pocket when he hiss, "Don't. This is my treat, remember? Besides, I don't like girls paying when they eat with me."

He hands back the bill to the waiter with the money and stood up from his seat. "Let's go." He said.

The chair made an annoying screech when you quickly stood up from your seat. You frowned with embarrassment as you stalk Jeon Jungkook out the restaurant.

Large steps took you effort just to close the space between the two of you. You walk by his side and asked, "Where are you going?"

He glanced at you, "You said you wanted to take a little walk on the beach right?" He smiled.

To say that Jeon Jungkook is handsome is an understatement, he was magnificent. You adore his honey skin and his wavy ebony hair. You love the way he smile boyishly and how he acts cutely without noticing, he was beyond beautiful. He resembles the prince from every fairytales you ever watched from your childhood.

Its like he's the guy that would sweep you off of your feet. And he does, he did.

"I like girls that are smaller than me." He muttered as you walk in the sand.

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