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"Y/n was here earlier." Taehyung said as he see Jimin approaching.

"Where is she?" Jimin looked sideways as he try to find his best friend.

"Jungkook took her." Taehyung said, voice low and serious. He had his hand crossed against his chest.

The cafeteria calmed down now, they were back with their business while the girl who screamed and bitch talk at you earlier was left to stare at nothing and sob all by herself.

"What?" Jimin stopped putting the straw in his milk carton.

Taehyung sighed, his serious demeanor now gone and replaced with a forlorn look. "Are they going out now?" He asked Jimin.

Jimin looked so at lost. "What? No. Last time I check, no. But Y/n hasn't told me anything about them these days." He said.

"Jimin, Jungkook and Ara only broke up. Everyone thinks Y/n's a side chick." Kim Taehyung looked more problematic than you are earlier.

"That's not possible. She was so distant from Jungkook when he was still with Ara." Jimin scoffed.

"I know but now they're getting close again. Somebody even saw them together last week in a city next here. I'm only worried about Y/n, what they think about her doesn't matter to me, what matters is what if Jeon Jungkook's playing with her?" Taehyung said to Jimin, his eyes getting darker as minutes pass by.

"You have to talk to her." He said.

Jimin's eyes widens, "Why can't you?"

"Because I don't want her to think that I'm only ruining her chance with Jungkook just because I like her." He spat. Jimin's breath hitched as he watch Taehyung's eyes widen at his realization.

"I knew it! I freaking knew it!" Jimin squealed. "You don't have to worry, I'll talk to her when I see her around."

But the worry in Taehyung's face doesn't subside, all he could think was you and your safety while you were with Jeon Jungkook's comfort. Jeon Jungkook put his arm around and held your arms that is crossed against your chest, while his other hand caress your hair.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault." He whispers as he sat you down on a bench.

You couldn't dare look at him. With your mind going on chaos because of what the girl said earlier. Everyone thinks that you were the reason why they broke up, Jungkook and Lee Ara. With Jungkook owning Lee Ara's mistake and the rumors about Ji Ro and Ara dying, they don't see any reason why they broke up but you.

You were in to the scene to early. But you weren't a home wrecker. You're not a side chick. Because you happened when they were over. But nobody knows that. And it's not like you should tell everybody that hey, they already broke up when you came into the picture.

And if you ever explain everything to them, they wouldn't accept that. You see, Jungkook and Ara was such a perfect match, everybody liked them. Even you think they're perfect with each other, nobody would ever accept that they broke up without a reason. So there has to be a third party, in this case, it was you who they saw.

"Baby, look at me. Don't think. Don't think about what that girl said. You are not a side chick, a slut or a rebound. You are more than that." Jungkook locked your face with his hands and made you look at him.

You smiled painfully because even though you feel like hell right now, even though it feels like that girl was right, you knew you are going to believe Jungkook. Because at the end of the day, everything will be about hope, faith and trust.

You'll always hope that what he said was true, that you aren't a rebound. You'd put your faith in him as well your trust because it is easier to believe in what is in front of you than to question it. At the end of the day, you'll still believe the person that matters to you the most than what other people say even when you don't know if he's telling the truth.

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