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Chapter 1 {DANIELLE}

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Water rushed over my bare feet as I stood on the water line of the ocean. I wanted to jump in and go for a swim, but I had school in just 20 minutes. I could wait until I got back. As I took another step into the cool water, my thoughts were interrupted by the opening and closing of the neighbors door.

I turned my head to reveal Nate Wood, my neighbor to the right. "It's gonna get up to 101 today, DL," he remarked as he jumped over his back porch railing. "Didn't you get the memo?"

I looked down at my capris and quarter-sleeve shirt then rolled my eyes at his remark as I marched my way to my back porch.

Nate Wood was one of the many people I could not stand.  With my luck though, I was blessed with having him as my next-door neighbor. We used to be best friends when we were little, but that seemed like centuries ago. He always called me DL when we were younger because when he first tried to say my name, Danielle, DL came out instead. We probably would have remained friends if it wasn't for Johnny McCain, the only other person I hated as much as Nate, if not more.

On our first day of kindergarten Nate and I promised to stick by each other's sides. If one of us made a new friend, we both promised we wouldn't ditch each other for them. Of course, stupid Johnny McCain and his stupid bowl cut intervened with that promise. He befriended Nate on the first day, and ever since, Nate has been a jerk to me.

It's not like I care though, we were going to drift apart sooner or later. Nate turned into the popular boy asshole that thinks partying and getting into fights is the way to "live life to its fullest." I, on the other hand, stayed home most days and spent my time in the ocean that was literally in my backyard.

I wasn't a loner though, I did have friends. Well, more like a few girls that I tolerated and only saw in school, and my best friend, Kasey Lanes.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mom yelling out the door that we needed to go. I ran around the front, grabbing my backpack off the back porch on my way there and went to the passenger side of my mom's car.

"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned my younger brother Sam as he sat in the front seat where I always sit. "Move."

He stuck his tongue out at me and rolled up his window. Of course he does this.

I groaned loudly enough for my mom to hear as she walked out the front door towards her car. "What's wrong?" She questioned in a monotone.

"Sam," I started, "he took my spot!"

My mom simply rolled her eyes then ordered me to just sit in the back because we were running late.

"You could just ride with Nate you know," my mom told me as we drove to school. "Amanda said he'd be glad to give you a ride."

Amanda is Nate's mom. His mom and mine are kind of best friends. They do literally everything together and can't seem to get through their minds that Nate and I hate each other now.

"Mom, I have told you a million times, we don't get along anymore. We haven't since we were five."

My mom was about to respond when we arrived to my school and I hopped out, exchanging goodbyes with her and Sam. His elementary was down a few blocks from the high school.

I immediately went to my first class, PE, and found Kasey right away. "Dani," she started as she made her way towards me across the gym.  "Did you hear what happened?" 

My eyebrow raise must've gave her the hint that I did not, because she went on.  "Powers been going on and off since 2 am all over San Diego.  Rumor has it that some kid from our school hit a power line last night and that it's gonna go out for good soon until, it gets fixed."  She paused for a moment and did an odd eyebrow wiggle.  "You know what that means... school's gonna close!" 

I laughed at Kasey's excitement but wasn't sure how great her sources were.  I haven't seen the power go out at all.

As the school day went on, the power flickered on and off many times, proving my theory wrong.

All anyone talked about for the rest of the day was how much they hoped the power would just go out and stay out so school would be cancelled in the mean time.  I could care less though.  We'd just have to make up the days we missed at the end of the year. 

I was relieved once the school day was over as I walked out the school doors.  The heat made me immediately regret my clothing choice that day. 

Finally, I arrived from my 10-minute walk home, covered in sweat.  My mom only drops my brother and I off in the mornings because it's on her way to work, but she works until about 6 so she can't pick us back up.  That leaves me with about 30 minutes of alone time every day because Sam gets home about that much later than me.  He rides the school bus. 

When I walked inside, Nate was just pulling up with his loud music blaring.  Glad I got inside before we could make any snotty remarks to each other.

I ran upstairs to my room, too excited to change out of my sweaty clothes.  My room was on the furthest left of the house with two windows.  One facing Nate's house, or might I be more specific, Nate's bedroom window, and the other facing the open ocean. 

I quickly got changed out of my hot clothing into a comfy tank top and shorts.  Just when I was about to get comfortable, I heard a loud knock on the front door, followed by a voice.

"Aye,"  I'd know that voice from anywhere.  "I'm coming in DL!" 

I rolled my eyes and pranced down the stairs.  "What could you possibly want?" 

Nate was sprawled out on my couch as if he lived here.  I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms, waiting for an answer. 

"My mom just texted me and told me to come ask if you guys had a mixing bowl we could borrow so she doesn't have to stop and buy one.  She accidentally dropped ours and broke it yesterday and she needs one tonight."  He stated blandly. 

I pushed myself off the wall and trotted to the kitchen grabbing our mixing bowl.  "Here,"  I said as I handed it to him.  "Make sure you bring it back." 

"Ya know DL," Nate started with a smirk, "you should really show some hospitality to your neighbors in need." 

I laughed coldly. "To your mom, always.  To you, never." 

It seemed pointless for him to be here any longer, so I began to usher him towards the back door, wanting him to leave.  After he got to the door he did an odd salute thing and with that, he left.

Finally, alone time.  I thought to myself as I plopped down on the couch.  Guess I thought too soon though, because seconds later Sam walked in and threw his bag on top of me. 

"Really?"  I groaned as I pushed the bag off myself.

Sam just laughed and walked into the kitchen.  God 9-year-olds are annoying.

"Can we go swimming?" He asked me as he pouted his bottom lip. "Please?"

I laughed at this and agreed to go with him.

After changing into my swimsuit, I grabbed a beach towel from the closet then headed downstairs to find Sam all ready to go, standing by the door.  "Auto-bots, roll out."  He referenced Transformers in the deepest voice he could make, then ran out the door. 

I rolled my eyes and ran out after him, closing the door behind me. 

"Last one in the water is a rotten egg!"  Sam yelled as he ran towards the water.

I threw down my towel and sprinted after him.  I'm pretty slow but Sam is fast, so after a few strides he was long gone until he stopped, allowing me to catch up to him and body slam him down into the water.



Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading if you did, and if you're feeling it, leave a vote and/or comment(:

I've never been good at authors notes on my main account, but I know other authors talk about themselves a little???? Uhhh okay we'll give that a try, if any of you are interested😂
I'm 18, and from the Midwest USA. I've been boxing since I was 13 and it's pretty much my life.
Where are you guys from and what sports/hobbies are you into? I love hearing about people's passions!

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