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Chapter 6 {NATE}

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Content warning: this chapter deals with explicit content regarding sexual assault and violence.


After Dani told me to ask Johnny why she hates him so much, I was determined to do exactly just that. Part of me knew, deep, deep down what he did, but I didn't want to admit it to myself. The second she said she was surprised he hadn't told the whole school, I was almost certain.

I finally found Johnny sitting on my back porch making out with some girl. I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him inside my house, leaving the girl confused.

"What the hell man?" He questioned as he shoved my hand off his shirt.

"I'm going to ask you this once." I warned as anger boiled inside of me. "What did you do to Dani Anderson?"

Johnny's expression changed and he started to laugh. "That bitch? She was no good. Bitch wouldn't even hold still. Kept trying to push me off her as if she didn't want it."

I didn't give him a chance to say anything else, because after what he said I punched him, causing him to fall to the ground.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I asked as I got on top of him and punched him again.

"You know she's off limits! She always has been! I've made that very clear since the day we met!" I screamed in his face before punching him a third and fourth time.

"Stop!" He pleaded as he tried to push me off of him. "I'll tell you everything, just stop!"

I stopped punching him, but remained on top of him, ready to start again at any moment. "Then go on!" I screamed.

"It was like 6 months ago! It wasn't a big deal!" He said as he coughed, and blood oozed from his mouth and nose.

"What wasn't a big deal?!" I asked as I grabbed onto his shirt.

"She was drunk and alone at Carter's party so I convinced her to come upstairs with me and-" I cut him off by punching him a few more times. I knew exactly where this was going.

My knuckles were bleeding, and they hurt but I didn't care. I was about to hit him again when he pushed me off of him and got on top of me. He started punching me and went on with his story.

"She said she didn't want to do it, but she was too drunk to make me stop." He stated with a laugh as he spit in my face, punching me a few more times.

I tried to push him off me, but he wrapped his hands around my throat, making it hard for me to even breathe.

"She lasted hardly a minute before her screaming and crying was just too annoying for me handle." He went on with his story just to make me madder.

"Shut the fuck up!" I choked out as I continued to try to pry him off of me.

"So I left her there in Carters's bedroom, naked." He finished. "Hence my statement earlier, 'nothing I haven't seen before', dumbass."

With that, he punched me a few more times then tried to walk away. When he opened the door to go outside I tackled him down onto the porch and beat him until there seemed to be nothing left. I would have kept going but someone pulled me off of him.

I ran up to my bedroom and slammed my door behind me. I began to think about what he was talking about that he said earlier 'nothing I haven't seen before.' He said it a few hours ago, before the party started.

I was walking upstairs to my bedroom where Johnny was waiting at around 7. When I got up there he was sitting on my bed looking out my window laughing.

"Dude, look." He said.

I looked out the window and saw Dani changing. I didn't really see anything before I yanked my curtains shut.

I got angry and yelled at Johnny.  "Knock it off dude!  Shes off limits, you know that." 

Johnny put his hands up in surrender and rolled his eyes.  "Whatever, nothing I haven't seen before anyways." 

I brushed off his comment, thinking he was talking about the fact that he's seen plenty of naked women and changed the subject. 

I can't believe I didn't catch on earlier. 

The voices of everyone outside began to drive me crazy, and my mom was going to be home any minute, so I ran outside and yelled at everyone to leave. 

Everyone left almost immediately and I went back up to my room, laying there drinking a few beers I grabbed on my way back up.

I understand now why Dani has been so hateful to me.  I would hate me too if I was in her shoes.  She probably thinks I knew what he did to her all this time when I really had no clue.  I thought that when I told Johnny she was off limits, he listened.  I should have been there for her, but instead I sat back and laughed all this time. 

I've known Dani all my life, and even though we aren't best friends anymore, it hurts me to see her hurt.  She hates me and there's nothing I can do about it. 

My thoughts were interrupted by the headlights of my moms car pulling into the driveway.  I looked out the window and saw her and Jamie, Dani's mom, get out and go separate ways.  I watched as my mom walked inside of the house.  My gaze shifted upwards towards Dani's window, but her curtains were closed.  I sighed loudly and walked away, throwing myself onto my bed. 

"Nate, you still awake?"  I heard my mom call up to me. 

"Yeah, just going to sleep mom."  I yelled back down to her, hoping she wouldn't come up.  

With my luck though, of course she came walking up the stairs and came into my room. 

"How was your-" she stopped dead in her tracks and converted her eyes from the beer cans on my floor up to my bruised up bloody face and knuckles.  "What the hell happened and what the hell are you doing?!"  She shrieked as she rushed over to me and yanked the beer out of my hands, setting it on my night stand. 

"I'm fine mom.  I just fell."  I lied. 

She rolled her eyes and put her hand on my cheek.  "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" 

I nodded my head and I guess it was a good enough answer because after that she left my room. 

I laid back down on my bed once she was gone and crashed.



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