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Chapter 5 {DANIELLE}

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I woke up in Sam's room at around 10am. I had came in here last night after waking from a bad dream. Sam and my mom were gone by now so I walked downstairs and made myself some cereal.

Finally Friday. I thought to myself.

I stayed in all day, not wanting to have another encounter with the assholes. My mom called at around 3pm that Sam was going home with a friend to stay the night and that she wouldn't be home till around 11 because her and Nate's mom, Amanda, were having a "girls night."

I got super annoyed after a while because my phone died after my mom called me and I had no way of charging it.

Soon enough, 7 o'clock rolled around and it was starting to get dark out. I got freaked out downstairs out in the open so I ran up to my room with a bunch of candles and a flash light then opened both my curtains and locked myself in.

It got really hot up in my room so I changed into some loose shorts and a light weight spaghetti strap tank top.

After sitting in bed reading for a few hours, a bunch of voices started talking outside then an orange light began to illuminate my bedroom. I peaked out my window out of curiosity and saw that Nate was having a party. He was sitting around a large fire near the water with about 30 other kids from my school. They were all drinking and running around crazy. Some were in the water messing around, some were by the fire with Nate, and others were in his house.

I rolled my eyes then sat back down on my bed and went back to reading my book. That was until someone started yelling up at my window. 

I looked down and saw the asshole, Johnny,  screaming up curse words at me.  "Hey bitch, why are you hiding in your room? Come join the party!" 

The memories started to flood back into my mind, but I pushed them away quickly.  "Fuck off, asshole!"  I yelled down to him.

This earned the attention of Nate.  He walked toward my house until I couldn't see him anymore, then there was a knock followed by Nate yelling, "Come on DL, open up!" 

I didn't want to hear his voice or anyone else's, so I closed my window and sat back on my bed.

I thought he would go away, but then I remembered that I never locked my front door, and that's when I heard it open, followed shortly after with a knock on my bedroom door. 

"Go away Nate!"  I yelled. 

"Come on DL, open the door." 

I rolled my eyes and caved in that easily.  I opened my bedroom door and was greeted by Nate's tall figure. 

"What do you want?"  I asked harshly.

He stepped into my bedroom and closed the door behind him. What the hell was he doing? My eyes grew wide and I took a step back as I began to think back to that night.

"Why are you acting afraid of me? All I did was close your door." Nate questioned as he gave me a weird look. "I just came up here to tell you to come outside and join us all."

I rolled my eyes and declined his offer.

"Stop acting like such a bitch that hates everyone." His voice suddenly grew harsh and angry. "Stop acting like I've put you through all this shit, because I haven't."

Anger boiled inside of me when he said that. He has put me through shit, and so has his best friend. I hate them both and always will.

"Go back to your party, asshole." I ordered as I motioned him to my door, but he didn't budge.

"No. I want to know why the fuck you keep acting like such a bitch to me. The only shit you've been through is your dad dying, and I had absolutely nothing to do with that and neither did Johnny." He yelled at me in anger, which only made me madder and sadder.

He knew better than to say shit about my dad, and if he knew all the shit that's happened aside from it, then maybe he would understand. But he's Nate Wood, and he will never understand.  The words I've been thinking suddenly came pouring out of my mouth all at once;

"I've been through a lot of shit Nate, shit you don't want to know about because people like you, the perfect people with the perfect lives, they don't stop to think about the people like me.  They don't care.  You don't care."  I took in a deep breath and said a bit more calmly, "you've been too busy running around with your head up Johnny McCains ass."

He stared at me for a moment with an unreadable look in his eyes before finally speaking. "Then tell me. Tell me why you think I don't want to know what's happening in your life and why you think I don't care. Tell me why you've been screaming at 3 am every damn night and tell me why you hate my best friend so much. Is it because you're jealous of him or what? Because right now, I'm clueless as to anything he has ever done to you to victimize you personally. He's a jerk to everyone, get over yourself."

His words stung. Part of me wanted to scream and another part of me wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. I tried to hold it all in, but my brain had different plans. Tears started pouring from my eyes as the words spilled out with a sharp bitterness to them.

"What the hell do you mean get over myself?" I asked, taking a step closer him and poking him in the chest as his figure towered over me. "You're right. You're fucking clueless. I hate you Nate Wood, and I always will. You don't care about anyone but yourself. The last thing I would ever be of that asshole is jealous. If you want to know why I hate him so much, then go ask him yourself. I'm surprised he hasn't already told the whole damned school. That's what he always does. In fact, I surprised he hasn't told you his damn self."

Something in his eyes changed as he watched the tears stream down my face. He tried to look me in the eyes, but I looked down, avoiding his gaze. I felt his hand gently press up on my chin to meet his gaze and as I looked up, he stared deep into my eyes with another one of his unreadable looks.

"What did he do, Dani?" He asked softly, using my real for the first time that I can ever remember.

I stared at him for a moment before pushing his hand away and quietly saying, "Go away Nate."



Thank you so much for reading everyone, I love you all for bearing with me up to this point, and even giving this story a chance at all. If you're enjoying it, feel free to give it a vote/comment(:

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