Tragedy Stikes- Chapter Three

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It had been weeks since she had last seem Sam or Dean, they were still on some top secret case, working something that Dean would tell her very little about. Carita could not care in the least where they were, just that they were alright so every time that he got the chance, Carita forced Dean to check in and call her. It was not that she wanted to know where they were or what they were doing, she just wanted to make sure that they were alive and not in the hospital. Carita did not know these two very well nor did she think she ever would know a lot about the Winchester's, but they were family to her and they were the last ones that she had left, meaning she wanted to make sure that they were alive. It had been almost two days since her last call from Dean and she started to worry about the man she had not known a month ago, but not enough to start calling every phone she had that was his. No, for that she would wait another day before doing that.

Most of the days she would wonder around the junk yard, looking for parts that she could use on her own car, and just looking around the mazes of cars. Carita would pick one that was very high up, something that would be a challenge to get into, and would climb all the way up and into the passengers seat and would just sit there. Sometimes she would catch up on her research about new types of creatures that were in many different languages, other times she would call up Daryl on his breaks and talk to him for as long as she could about Bobby's house, she knew that he would not really be listening. But by the time that it would come to about three in the afternoon, she would be back near the house, working on all the different parts of her car and allowing Bobby to help when he could. She knew as much about a car as the next person, but with Bobby, she felt like she knew nothing at all.

Carita had been working on her car all day, there was grease and oil from the top of her head to her toes, which were out in the open, and when Bobby took one look at the girl, all he could do was laugh at her. She looked like she would be Dean's, from what Bobby had told her about what Dean used to do when he first got the Impala from his father, and just smiled at the older man. Carita was not like any normal girl – not in the least – she knew how to fix a transmission when it broke, how to fix a flat tire when there was not another tire around, and how to hot wire a car, which was something important in the business. There was some oil in her hair, she could feel it, but she just tucked it behind her hair as she smiled at Bobby and rubbed her forehead with the shirt that she had loaned her to use on her car.

" Girl, you look like you belong in the car." Bobby laughed as he handed her something to drink, ice tea.

" I'll take that as a complement." Carita smiled as she took a long sip of the drink, it feeling like heaven as it went down.

" Your daddy just called," This made Carita stop in her tracks, " calm down, he is just fine and so is Sam, just wanted to say that he would be home by about nine tonight."

" Oh, good." Carita smiled as she looked at her car, it really needed to be washed, but then again she needed a good shower as well. " I think that I'm going to go wash up then."

" Just remember that the hot water goes sometimes." Bobby said as he shut her hood for her and followed her inside.

Bobby was right about one thing- the hot water really liked to just dissipate into nothing but ice cold. But Carita was used to the cold by now, she could not seem to get herself too warm without the cold coming back to her. When she looked down it looked like she had just stepped out of a mud bath with all of the black goop that was trying to make it's way down the drain. Carita had used up almost everything that she had brought along with her since she had left the hotel room, soon she would need to go out and get some things a Wal-Mart, at least. She would never be able to use the same things that Bobby uses, let alone use his soap. She smiled as she started to feel clean again, she tried to make herself look well, using what little of her own shampoo she had left in her hair and started to sing a song about a lost love.

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