Tragedy Strikes - Chapter Nine

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" Dean!" Carita screamed as she looked over to find that there was only a short bit of glass between Dean and his death from a pretty high fall.

" Come now, my little girl, we have so much to talk about right now. Do not worry about that little man of there who has been calling you his child, speak with me for awhile. Tell me everything that I have missed since I last saw you. Hell, when I last saw you, you were only in diapers. How you have grown so much since then." Lafayette said with a smile as he pulled up the chair that Dean had been sitting in and sat down beside the girl, still holding her down.

" Go back to hell where you belong, you son of a bitch." Carita spat at him as she looked at her father to her uncle. But as she did this, she felt herself raise from her bed and go flying into the glass door that was on the other side of the bed.

" Carita!" Dean screamed, eveything becoming a little fuzzy as Lafayette walked over to her and pulled her back into the bed. Blood now oozing from different places on her body.

" Now, that is no way to talk to me at all. All I want to do is catch up on a few things, maybe make a deal or two, and then I will leave you to heal from what that terrible Daryl did to you. I will have you know that I am punishing him right now for you. There was no need to plan with your emotions like that, to play with a child of mine like that. It will not go unpunished." The man sitting beside of Carita said with a smile as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

" Since you made him play games with me like that, I guess that you are really just leaving him to his own right about now, maybe with a pile of money and a nice virgin to deflower." Carita hissed.

" Oh how smart you are. How long have you known about our little Daryl and about this whole game that he has been playing?" Lafayette questioned.

" A while, it is not very hard to miss it when you start to smell sulfur everywhere that you do. It kind of gives away your kind very quickly." Carita hissed as she tried to get up and felt even more pressure falling over her body. She could barely take in a breath,

" Now now, let's get on to the deal now, since I can tell that you do no like all of this talking. Lets see, I want you to be in my hands when I want you, whenever I please to have you, for your power and that only. Now I will need you power a lot, so be on call when I want you. Do not put any of those horrible devil traps up, I really hate it when I have to go through those. And be ready when I need you." Lafayette smiled lightly down at the girl.

" And what do I get in return?" Carita asked and at that moment she could see Dean flying through the window, both her and Sam screaming at the top of their lungs.

" In return I will give you back the man that you have taken up to be your father." Lafayette said with a wild laugh.

" Fine. I'll do it." Carita said without a thought about it. She could not go through life with no mother or father. She needed Dean now more then ever before.

" Carita!" Sam shouted.

" Shut up, Sam." She said as she moved closer to the man sitting in her bed. " Let's get this all over with before I decide to do what my uncle tells me to do." Carita said lightly as she could feel a tear coming from her eye.

Carita could feel the mans breath nearing her lips, could see him getting closer and close with that sick smile on her face that nearly forced her to shut her eyes as tightly as she could. If there would have been any other way around it, she would have changed it in an instant, if there would have been another way out of it, she would have taken it. Carita could feel that odd coldness wrapping around her once again as she moved in closer to the man. Cursing Daryl for everything that he had done to her as she took one last breath and prepared herself to seal in her fate in one single kiss. When something happened, Lafayette recoiled and jumped from his seat.

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