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"It's perfect, Esme, I'm just afraid that if I eat any more with my nerves...I'll ruin your carpet," Wanda tells the woman softly as Pietro scoffs down his third bowl of Bouillon. Esme smiles at her.

"Don't worry about it" Esme glances to Pietro. "Whatever is left, you can take home" Pietro smiles up at her and then looks serious.

"There will be nothing left" he curls protectively around the bowl and threatens with his spoon. Wanda smiles and shakes her head at her brother. Jasper smiles watching them Emmett nudges him.

"Dating an older woman....hot" Wanda turns and shoots Emmett a look, Jasper smirks to himself. "So your.....gift" Wanda raises an eyebrow. "What is it you actually do?"

"They are complicated to explain," she tells him, she raises her hand. "But I could show you...." she wiggles her fingers as Jasper and Pietro chuckle, Pietro pulling Alice onto his lap. "Unless you are afraid to let me into your head" Emmett looks to Jasper who raises an eyebrow. Rosalie watches from the corner of the room and raises an eyebrow as Emmett nods, Wanda jumps up and moves to stand in front of him. She raises a hand and rolls her wrist and curls her fingers, the red mist building in her hand before she waves it forward and into Emmett's head, he jerks a little as it settles, his eyes flashing red. Jasper wraps an arm around Wanda as Emmett smiles.

"What did you do?" Jasper asks.

"He is currently reliving the time he taught his little sister to ride a bike" she smiles at Jasper. "It's a beautiful memory" Rosalie stands and looks between Wanda and Emmett.

"You can just pluck memories out...." Wanda looks to her and nods.

"I can manipulate the memory, thoughts, actions, emotions, and senses of others, as well as induce sleep or pain and create illusions"

"She's very powerful" Carlisle states.

"Catch!" Pietro shouts throwing something towards Wanda who quickly throws up a shield, to which the bowl bounces off. Pietro smiles smugly. "She can shield others as well" Wanda wiggles her fingers, releasing Emmett from the memory. He blinks and looks to Wanda who smiles at him, he smiles back.

"It's been ages since I thought on my sister......thank you" Wanda shrugs. Jasper takes her hand.

"Come on....I'll show you around" A blue blur shoots past them all and then back before Pietro sits back in his seat.

"I already looked" he teases, Alice laughs as Pietro hugs her closer to him. Jasper chuckles pulling Wanda from the room, he wraps an arm over her shoulder and kisses her head.

"You're doing great," he tells her. "They love you" she looks to him.

"Rosalie doesn't" he shrugs.

"She doesn't like anyone" he mumbles, she smiles a little.


"... and this is my room" Jasper announces pulling Wanda into his bedroom, he looks to her as she looks around, finding a wall of glass doors open to a deck. The rest is floor to ceiling books, journals...diaries. Wanda picks up one of the books and glances to Jasper.

"So you're obsessed with history" he shrugs. "But...No bed?"

"No sleep"

"Ever?" he shrugs and moves towards her.

"No nightmares, no drool, no snoring" She considers this, as she runs a hand along a wall of CD's, studying the titles. "Do you have any favorites?"

"Depends. Alternative? Jazz? Classical? The twenties, thirties, sixties, seventies..." he smirks following her.

"Ooh, she knows her music" he teases. "Alright, thirties. Eighteen-thirties. Jazz?"

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now