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Jasper holds onto his wife's hand as they walk through the trees to the clearing they are to face the vampire army, he pulls her closer and kisses her head.

"Are you sure there is nothing I can do to convince you to stay out of this?" he asks softly, she turns to him and kisses him.

"I am your wife," she tells him. "I'm at your side....until the end" he pulls her closer and nods.

"Be careful" he warns worried. "I can't lose you, Wanda"

"You won't" she promises. "Trust in me and my powers.....trust that I know how to wield them effectively" he nods, she turns to stand in front of him and he sighs pulling her closer. "I've been doing this for a long time" she reassures him, nudging his nose with hers before kissing him. "Everything is going to be okay" she promises him, he lifts her up, her legs wrapping around him, and her arms around his neck. "I love you," she tells him.

"As I love you, Darlin'" she smiles and wiggles her eyebrows, he chuckles and presses her against the nearest tree. "Fine, but we have to be quick and quiet, the others will come looking for us soon" she smirks. 

"Just what every wife likes to hear" she teases, he nuzzles into her neck and then licks her. She wiggles against him.


"No" Jasper argues, stepping in front of Wanda, Carlisle sighs, his idea had been to set Wanda in the field, she could freeze the newborns the second they appear and the vampires could take them out easy enough, Jasper wants her at the edge, close to him, not in the centre on display.

"Jaz" Wanda whispers touching his back, he looks to her. "It's a good idea," she tells him.

"It puts you at risk" he argues. "One, Wanda, that's all it takes, one vampire and it's all over" he takes her face in his hands. "One"

"Between me and Pietro," Emmett starts. "Nothing'll get close to her" Wanda motions to her brother-in-law and her brother.

"See," she tells Jasper softly. "I'll be fine" she pulls him closer. "Jaz" she coos. He sighs and sets his head against hers. "I'm going to be okay," she tells him.

"If anything happens" he starts looking at Emmett who nods. Wanda takes Jasper's hand and he looks to her, she gives him a small smile and he kisses her. "Okay," he whispers.


Wanda walks into the center of the field and takes a deep breath, Pietro speeds to her side and takes her hand.

"Together," he tells her, she smiles. A male newborn appears between the trees ahead of them. Pietro stiffens and Wanda sets her hands at her side. From behind the newborn, the whole newborn army blitzes out of the woods and into the field! "Now" Pietro tells Wanda and she lifts her hand and flicks her wrist, a newborn flies into the path as Jasper bolts from the trees with lightning speed and tackles him, Pietro disappears faster than even the newborns, he trips and throws and kicks them into the paths of the other vampires as they appear, Wanda thrusts out her hands a group of newborns are caught in her mist, she lifts them up and throws them towards where Sam-wolf lunges forward flanked by two more wolves, they tear them apart. Four other wolves dive into the fray. Wanda pushes her hands together and then pulls them apart, a red ball of energy forming, she turns and throws it at a newborn before linking it with another and another, she throws her hand up and then thrusts it down, the three vampires explode, she nods and looks to Jasper who glances to her, she looks smug, he smiles. Emmett sprints full-bore into the fight, relishing the battle. The wolves work as a pack, coordinated, deadly. Jasper controls the field – strategy, and speed vs strength. Rosalie fights with icy calm. Alice with precognition. Esme and Carlisle fight side by side. The newborns are brutal and strong as hell. Jacob-wolf charges into the clearing, tackling a newborn, going for its neck. Wanda using her powers throws a newborn behind her where Sam and Jacob grab an arm in the mouths and RIP. Paul is surrounded by Three Newborns; Emmett comes to his aid. They share a look, a battlefield rapprochement. Carlisle and Esme move in on Bree – but she backs up frightened. Esme and Carlisle share a look. They relax their attack stance, try to calm her, talk to her...Alice darts from newborn to newborn, not even looking at them, knowing their next move. She sweeps their feet, keeping them off balance, confusing them. Pietro is a step behind her, trying to give her cover. As a newborn appears behind Jasper and bites his shoulder. Wanda spins, flings the newborn to Rosalie, Emmett, and Carlisle who kill him. Wanda looks to Jasper who touches his shoulder.

"Which of us need protecting?" she asks, he shoots her a look before smirking. She turns and tears her hands apart, which tears a newborn apart, she smirks.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz