10 ~ Jealous

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What a smug idiot.

Walking back to my truck after dinner, swinging Ronnie's surprise to-go order, I can't help but repeat that thought in my mind.

I knew the breakup with Avery would give him the opportunity to talk about other things, but this is not the conversation I had in mind.

Maybe I liked him better when he was focused on himself.

Mom texts me, keeping me from asking Stella to talk to him. Scarlett's friends don't need to get any ideas.

Birth Giver
Can you swing by the store and pick up toothpaste?

I turn around, the grocery store's only a block away. A small part of me feels happy to remember the layout of town. The stores pretty much deserted for a Wednesday night, making it easy for me to hear a familiar voice.

"Stella, for the last time I'm not upset, I'm trying to pick up food for Saffron to take to school."

I move closer, her voice getting louder and I can't tell if I'm going in the right direction or she's just getting agitated.

"Yeah, well shopping makes me snippy."

Almost there. I round the corner of the cookie isle just as Scarlett loses it.

"For the last time, Stella Grace, I am not bothered by Ashton ignoring me. Just because you now have a relationship doesn't mean you get to mess with my life."

She throws a box of chips ahoy back onto the shelf as she holds the phone slightly away from her ear. God, I'm sorry for whoever buys that box, they're nothing but crumbs now. I can't help but notice how different she looks in leggings and a sweatshirt, looking nothing like she does at school.

It's a cute look though.

"I don't need people in my life, if anything I'm better off. I should be thankful he's no longer pestering me."

Ouch, that hurts more than I'd care to admit.

Even I can tell her anger's beginning to fade. "You're right, that's a lie." She nods her head, the curls bouncing up and down. "Yes, I do feel better now that I've let that out, thank you."

She hangs up, letting out a long sigh as she grabs a container of Oreos.

I know I should move out of sight but I'm too focused on the conversation I just heard. She misses me. Scarlett actually misses me.

Screw it, I don't have to prove anything to James. I've spent years trying to prove myself and I'm over it. Just as I'm about to forfeit the plan and apologize, a woman calls her name.

"Bella!" She cries, throwing her arms around the older woman who smiles fondly.

"Hello, Letty, how are you love?"

Scarlett tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, for once not hiding behind it. Letty. It's a cute nickname, wonder why she doesn't use it more often. "I'm doing okay."

"I miss seeing your beautiful face, my child." Bella coos, flattening Scarlett's wild locks.

She coughs uncomfortably, focusing on the ground. "How's RJ?"

Who the hell is RJ?

Bella laughs, "He's doing great. College life is treating him well."

RJ's a guy. A college aged guy. I've wondered if Scarlett's had a boyfriend before, here's one way to find out.

"Tell him I miss him. He called last week, and I haven't a had chance to return it. School isn't the same without him constantly annoying me." She says wistfully.

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