11 ~ Hothead

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"Mom! Have you seen my cleats?" I panic, tearing my room to shreds.

I've looked everywhere and class starts in 20 minutes.

"In the kitchen!"

I run downstairs, tripping over Ronnie's backpack on the way. Of course, my cleats are sitting right by the door. "Thank you."

"No problem, Hun." She slides me a bowl of cereal. "What exactly are your plans after the game?" 

Am I going to a party is the real question. I shrug, "I don't know. Maybe I'll see if Scarlett and Sage want to go get food."

I still owe him for Monday, and I know Scarlett won't want to go to the party.

Hopefully we have something to celebrate.

She hums, sipping coffee. "Just remember, Ronnie has a friend coming over tonight."

How could I forget, that's all she's talked about this week? It makes me happy to know she's made a friend, although it sounds like it's her only one. But I'm beginning to learn that it's better to have a small few.

As long as she's happy, I'm happy.

Ronnie runs into the room, a huge smile on her face. "Ashy, I can't wait for you to meet Ronnie."

Laughing, I pick her up, "I can't wait to meet her, Munchkin."

I do think it's strange for her to meet another girl with the same name. Then again, I'm friends with an entire color wheel.


We rush to school, barely making in time. I manage to catch up with Scarlett just as she's walking to class.

"Good morning, Sweetheart." I sing, throwing an arm over her shoulder as I try to ignore the tingle of our skin touching. The feelings will fade eventually. "Are you ready to win that championship?"

She sighs, taking a sip of her drink. "Beyond excited."

Wow, that statement had about as much pep as a funeral.

Scarlett takes another swig of her cup, "What're you drinking?"

Once she finally pulls away, she smiles, "Coffee, want some?"

To my surprise she hands the cup over, I stare at it in shock reminded of how much I wanted to kiss her. Her lips have touched that cup.


I down the burning liquid before handing it back. I've never been a big coffee person, but I think I just might find myself liking it.

Throughout the day I'm focused on one thing, and it's not the most important game in my short, revived football career. It's Scarlett's lips.

It's not in a creepy way, I just can't help but wonder what they feel like. Specifically against my own lips. It didn't even start on purpose. I'm just sitting in Lang, minding my own business, when she blows a bubble and like that I can't look away.

In second period I'm consumed with guilt, laughing with Sage when I all can think about is Scarlett. I'm absolutely crossing a line, most definitely a violation of the bro code.

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