Chapter 14

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Third Person's POV

The dinner table was already set. All monsters wore dresses and suits for this grand dinner since it's rare for Count Dracula to make these kinds of events. Some noticed that Drac starts making these kinds ot event ever since Y/N came, so everyone thought that the Count has an interest to the beautiful young lady.

Drac was greeting monsters that were just arriving and was waiting for a special someone.

"Great event here Count" a monster said.

"Thank you thank you. I really appreciate it." Drac said with a smile. But that smile faded when she saw Ivy.

 But that smile faded when she saw Ivy

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(this is Ivy's attire for that night)

Everyone saw how grand her hair was done, how thick her make up was and how stunning she looks that night. But the Count didn't mind her and kept waiting since she didn't like Ivy.

"Dad it's almost 7:00, aren't we gonna start the dinner now?" Mavis asked Drac who was still waiting for someone. "Start? Aren't we gonna wait for everyone? And I mean EVERYONE?" Drac asked but Mavis knew why he was like this.

"Let me guess, you're waiting for Y/N to arrive?" Mavis asked him and he was quite shock at what his daughter said.

"What?! No no, i was just making sure everyone is here hehe." He said with a fake smile.

Mavis knew his father so well and just agreed to what he said.

"Ok dad. I'll just start the program and you can just wait here for your Y/N to arrive." Mavis said with a giggle and left. Drac blushed at how Mavis liked Y/N so much. He's starting to think what would it feel it have Y/N as his wife? Then he started to daydream.

In the middle of his daydreaming, he noticed a shadow coming. He saw the one person that he wanted to see this night.

She looked so beautiful in his eyes.

She looked so beautiful in his eyes

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-what you are wearing that night

-what you are wearing that night

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-your heels that night

And your hairstyle, (it's you choice of your hair color)

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And your hairstyle, (it's you choice of your hair color)

Drac couldn't ask for anything more. Y/N looked so beautiful that night and he felt that he zinged again while Y/N was approaching her. She has her beautfil smile on her face, she looked so perfect.

"Drac, you look amazing tonight." Y/N said with a smile. Drac couldn't take his eyes off Y/N but needed to reply to her compliment.

"You look very beautiful tonight Y/N." Drac said and Y/N smiled and hid a little blush from her cheeks. "Stop teasing me!" Y/N said playfully and pouted while she playfully punches my arm.

"It's true. You look amazing tonight. The best one that caught my eye." This made Y/N smile wider. Both of them laughed at how ridiculous they are that time. Drac asked for Y/N's hand.

"Shall we head to our dinner event?" Drac asked like a gentlemen and Y/N replied with a nod. They were so close together, Drac was so nervous to be this close to Y/N so much.

When they were about half way to the dinner table, all of the monsters were standing till they saw the both walking together. Everyone was amazed at how Y/N looked so beautiful that night, well not all was impressed. Ivy herself who was standing from a not so far location was starting to burn up because of jealousy. She wanted all the attention to her, not to Y/N.

"Miss Y/N you look amazing!"

"Now that's what I call the best lady!"

"You look ravishing tonight Y/N!"

"No wonder the Count fell for Y/N that fast!"

Everyone started to squeal while Drac hides in embarrassment since he was blushing so red. Y/N herself was smiling at how nice those monsters were to compliment her.

Drac leaded her to where she was suppose seat.

"You will seat here. I reserved his place for you." Drac said.

"Thanks Drac. I really ap-"

Y/N was cutted when someone banged on the dinner table and grabbed the chair to where Y/N was suppose to seat.

"I'm sorry Y/N but you're in the wrong chair." Ivy stated with her hands on her hips.

Drac was confused while Y/N glare at her back.

"What makes you say that?" Y/N replied eyeing Ivy. They were having a glare showdown and everyone was watching them.

"Oh please Y/N, this seat belongs to me. The seat beside the Count." Ivy said and leaned in closer to her. Y/N herself didn't stop glaring at her.

"Ivy, this seat is for Y/N. We arranged it earlier. You can just grab another seat" Drac explained.

"NO! This seat is mine!" Ivy shouted.

"Close that dirty mouth of yours." Y/N said.

"Ha! Just tell the truth Y/N, that you are trying to flirt Drac to get him. You are a flirt!" Ivy said and this made Y/N so angry that she slapped Ivy right in her right cheek.

Ivy groaned from the inmpact of Y/N's slap.

"I would never be a flirt in my life, because I have standards, not like you!" Y/N shouted.

Ivy gave her a glare.

"Oh really?! Then why are you wearing all that fancy dresses huh?! The only reason for you to do that is to attract Drac!" Ivy replied.

"I wear this clothes, heels, and put some light make up not to impress, but to show everyone that I belong in this event. I'm not like you since I dont use thick make up!"

Everyone was shock at how the two was fighting, especially Drac.

"Atleast I have thick make up!" Ivy spatted.

Y/N made a fake laugh.

"What's the point of that makeup of yours if it doesn't even work on you, maybe you should try eating your makeup so you can try to be pretty on the inside!"

Everyone gasped. Ivy was shock at how Y/N spatted those words out of her mouth. Drac himself was impress at how brave Y/N was.

"Y-you a-" Ivy was out of words since she doesn't know anything that would be good as a reply to what Y/N said..

"Okay okay. Stop the fight." Johnny said and told everyone to avoid fights to take their seats.

The two ladies glared at each other.

"We'll just have to see who wins."

His Property (Hotel Transylvania): Dracula X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now