Chapter 8

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Connor winked at me. And honestly, it was kind of hot. What the hell is wrong with me?He's my partner, I can't think of him like that. Plus he's not a deviant, he'd never think that way about me.

The elevator doors opened and Dad and I stepped through. Connor stayed in the elevator with his eyes closed. "Hey Connor!" Dad called, "You run outta batteries or what?"

"I'm sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife," Connor explained.

"Do you plan on staying in the elevator?" Dad asked sarcastically.

"No," Connor said a bit defensively, "I'm coming."

"What do we know about the suspect?" I asked.

"Not much. Just that the neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding an LED under his cap," Connor reported.

"Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops," Dad complained and leaned against the door frame.

"Were you really making a report back there in the elevator?" I asked.

"Correct," Connor replied.

"Shit," Dad remarked sounding a little impressed, "Wish I could do that."

Connor knocked on the door. After not getting a response the android looked at Dad who just shrugged. Connor knocked louder, "Anybody home? Open up! Detroit Police!"

A loud crash came from inside. Dad and I pulled our guns out. I pushed Connor behind us, "Let us go first."

Dad kicked down the door and entered the apartment. There was nothing in the first few rooms. Then Dad forced open the door to the kitchen. Lots of pigeons flew out, "What the fuck is this?!"

"Uh, looks like we came for nothing our man's gone," Dad said after the pigeons settled down revealing an empty room. Dad and I put our guns away.

Connor bent down to investigate something. It was a military jacket, "R.T. Probably initials."

"He put his initials on his jacket? That's something your mom does when you're in first grade..."

I noticed a poster on the wall. One corner was peeling up. Suspicious, I tore down the poster to reveal a journal in a crack in the wall. I took a look in it but I couldn't read any of it because it was encrypted.

"Found something?" Dad asked.

"I don't know... It looks like a journal but it's written some sort of code," I answered.

Connor noticed something on a shelf. "Rupert Travis. The driver's license is fake," he reported.

"Cool, at least we didn't come for noting," Dad grumbled.

I walked over to the fridge and opened it. It was empty, "Huh, no food. Our suspect is an android alright."

Dad was fed up with all the pigeons getting in his way, "Ah, Jesus I hate these things!"

He walked around and noticed a box I had spotted earlier, "Birdseed. I can't believe it. This nutjob was actually feeding these fuckers."

Connor and I walked into the bathroom. I noticed something in the sink. I picked it up and it turned out to be an LED, "There's an LED in the sink."

"Not surprised it was an android. No human could live with all these fuckin' pigeons..."

The pigeons weren't that bad, there were just so many of them. I would probably feed them too if there were less. This amount of pigeons would just get in the way.

I spotted Connor looking at the wall. RA9 was written all over it. "Any idea what it means?" I asked.

"RA9... written 2471 times... It's the same sign Ortiz's android wrote on the shower wall... Why are they obsessed with this sign?"

"These symbols look like mazes," I noted.

Connor looked down. I followed his gaze to see a knocked over stool. I noticed a marker on the ground next to it. It was fresh. Someone had been here recently.

I looked at Connor for a moment and he seemed to be calculating something. After a minute he decided to leave and walked back out to the kitchen. He spotted a birdcage on the ground. He analyzed it and began walking toward the wall.

He looked up at the ceiling and someone leaped down onto Connor knocking him to the floor. I helped Connor stand. "What are you waiting for?!"

(A/N: I'm not sure how to describe the QTEs so bear with me. It's probably going to be pretty bad.)

We did precisely that. We dashed after the deviant. He knocked a shelf over but we jumped over it. The deviant ran through the fire door onto the roof. We chased it, Dad following behind us.

The deviant jumped onto another roof and ran through the UFD fields. He climbed onto the next roof. A truck drove past and Connor jumped onto it. I hesitated for a split second before following him. He caught me and helped me onto the next roof before running after the deviant.

I was running purely on adrenaline. If this had been any other situation I wouldn't have been able to keep up. We followed the deviant through the greenhouses, pushing past the employees earning angry shouts. A shelf was knocked over but we jumped it and continued running. We jumped off the roof and slid on glass into another building.

The door the deviant slipped through closed so we ran through another field. Connor jumped the wall and turned to help me up before chasing after the deviant.

I stopped abruptly though Connor kept running. The next roof ended with train tracks. Connor followed the deviant and jumped fearlessly onto the moving train. He kept running and running as the deviant did.

"Holy shit," I breathed heavily. I have to find another way around. I ran around the tracks to try and catch up and eventually I saw the deviant. (A/N: This is a bad description, I know. But Hank is just suddenly there again so I didn't know how to say that she caught up to them.)

I tackled him trying to stop him, "Stop right there!" He pushed me off and I fell backward over the railing of the roof.

Connor POV

I saw the deviant push the Detective. She stumbled backward off the roof. She caught herself as the deviant ran off. I had a choice to make.

Chase deviant

Save (y/n): Chance of Survival 89%

Even though she had a high likelihood of survival something compelled me to help her. I ignored my orders to follow the deviant and rushed over to the Detective. I held out a hand and pulled her up as the Lieutenant caught up with us.

(y/n): friend

Hank: friend

Software instability^

"No no no! Shit!" the Detective swore, "We had him!"

"It's my fault," I told her, "I should have been faster."

"You'd have caught him if it weren't for me," she said.

The Lieutenant moved to hug his daughter, "That's alright. We know what it looks like. We'll find it," he reassured.

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