Tutoring the Badboy

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A.N Hey I am on a long car drive so I thought why not update one of my stories! So here you go hope you enjoy it!

Iris's P.O.V

"Morning Iris!" Ivy said walking up to her locker which was right next to mine.

"Hey Ivy! How was last night?" I asked giggling

"Horrifying! My dad embarrassed me so much and I think he scared David really badly..." she breathed out

"Oh I'm sorry...Hey! at least your dad didn't scare him off!" I said nudging her arm and looking at David. She looked at him and he smiled and started walking over. 

"Hey Ivy! I had fun last night! Your dad was nice!" He said putting his arm around her shoulder. We bothed looked at him as if he was insane. Her dad was never nice to the boys she brought over. 

"Are you crazy?" Ivy said surprised

"Umm...no he was actually nice..although your brother wasn't the friendliest..." He said srunching his face a little

Me and Ivy both giggled and I shut my locker and we all walked to class. I sat down and got out my stuff while chatting with Ivy about what we should do after school, when the door swung open. May I mention that Ivy and I are in all AP classes! We have a couple classes with the seniors. Okay back to the door! So it swung open to reveal Griffen... the schools badboy, and my bestfriends brother. He was always somewhat emotionless. He didn't sleep around, he was just extremely tough and would beat up anyone in is way. He scanned the room and then looked at me...

"IVY!!!" I whisper yelled

"WHAT?" She whisper yelled back

"WHY IS YOUR BROTHER LOO..." I stoppped when I noticed Griffen sit in the seat right next to me. I looked at Ivy with a 'why is he sitting next to me'  look and she looked back like 'no idea'. I went back to working and saw Griffen glance at me quite a lot. I glanced at him and looked him over. he was actually really cute! He had on a light grey shirt with low rise jeans and a black flat top hat that had "Giants" written on it. (what I like the Giants) I looked at his face and into his eyes and then he looked at me. I immediatley looked down and blushed a little.

A couple minutes later a not was slid onto my desk. I looked at Griffen and unfolded the note... it said,

"I need to talk to you after class...don't leave without me" I looked at Griffen confused and he just looked back at the board.

The bell ran and I got up.

"Iris Addams! Please stay I need to talk to you." our teacher said

I looked at Ivy with a confused look...

"I have no idea!, I will wait for you out side K!" she said and walked out. 

I walked toward the teacher and stood infront of her desk.

"Ah! yes! Miss. Addams! You are one of our top students and Griffen isn't doing very well in some classes...We were wondering if you could tutor him?" she asked hopefullly

"Ummm...Sure I guess" I said a little uneaslily 

"Thank you your first session will be at lunch!" She said happily

I walked out of class and went to Ivy with a pannicked look on my face.

"What happened??" she asked worriedly

"I have to tutor your brother..." I said

"Griffen...He has perfect grades though thats weird...hmm... well anyway lets go to lunch!" she said

"Can't first tutoring session is at lunch..." I said sadly

"Ugh!!! I hate my brother!!! Well meet me in front of History then! Bye" she said skipping away

I walked towards the library and right before I got there Bryce and and Jack (Griffens friends) picked me up and brought me to the roof. They closed the door behind me and laughed, I slowly walked up the stairs to see Griffen sitting on a bench looking out on the gardens. (oh so classyXD) I walked towards him and sat down next to him.

"I am supposed to be tutoring you..." I said nervously

"You don't have to I have good grades...I asked Mrs. Hart to do that so I could just talk to you." He said looking at me

"Why? You never talk to me....even when I'm at your house you dont.... Why now?" I asked getting a little mad

"I never could get up the nerve to talk to you...I know I am supposed to be tough and all badass but I'm still a teenage guy...I mean it's freaking hard to get the attention of the girl you like!" He breathed out

"I'm still just a girl who like a boy and it is eve harder to do this!" I giggled and leaned in and kissed his cheek. He turned his face and smiled and put his hands on my face and leaned in. I put my lips on his and then I heard a scream and cheering! I looked up and there was Ivy and all my friends and all of Griffens friends. I smiled and kissed him again! He smiled into the kissed and hugged me!

A.N Well it wasn't really tutorign but whatever! Thanks for reading! Go check out my other stories!! Okay LittleMonster Out!!!

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