Chapter 8- Heat

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I felt the trail of sparks as Alarik moved his hand across my skin and I let out a slight moan. He used the opportunity to force his tongue in my mouth, playing with mine. His teeth grazed my lip and I felt his body press harder into mine.

Any train of thought I had was completely gone, all I could think about was Alarik and how much I wanted him in that moment.

He broke the kiss just long enough to whip my tank top over my head and throw it to the side before his lips were on mine again, moving hungrily. His hands moved over my bare skin, lighting it up despite the slight chill in the early morning air. I felt like I was on fire.

My hands moved to his hair, my fingers tangling in it's softness. Alarik's hands slid around, grabbing my ass as he lifted me up pressing his hardness to me. I could feel the bulge through both of our clothes and my lower belly clenched.

Alarik's mouth moved to my neck, his teeth nipping lightly at my skin and I sighed. I felt the pulling deep in my core. Alarik could smell my desire and his hand slid up my thigh.

As his hand reached my shorts, his teeth hit my sweet spot and I let out a moan. Alarik's mouth trailed down, leaving little nips until his mouth was at my bra strap. His hand slid inside my shorts and started rubbing me through my panties.

Another moan escaped as I became overwhelmed with the feeling of him. I knew I wasn't going to be satisfied until I had him.

I felt the rumble deep in his chest as he pushed the fabric aside and started rubbing faster.

"Say it," Alarik said, his voice gruff.

"What?" I asked, my voice shaky as he rubbed me.

"Say it, Allison, give yourself over to me."

"I'm-" My voice trailed off and my eyes snapped open.

Suddenly my mind had gone from shut-down, bask in the moment mode and straight into overdrive. Did he really just tell me to say what I think he did? And did I really just almost do it?

The sudden shock muted the sensation that the contact gave me. I tried to push Alarik away from me but he caught my wrists in his hands. I was completely trapped, he had me suspended above the ground, pinned by his body and he had my hands pinned to my sides. 

"Let me go," I hissed between my teeth. 

"But you seemed so eager last night and just a second ago," Alarik said with a smile. 

I felt bile creeping up in my throat. He knew exactly what he had done, he had used the connection between us, my desire, to trap me. He was going to use any means possible to get what he wanted, and what he wanted was my submission. 

If he thought he was going to be getting that any time soon then he was slower than I thought. I wasn't going to give myself over to anyone any time soon, let alone him. 

"Oh, Allison," he cooed leaning his face closer in.

I turned my head away from him as far as I could.

"Why do you have to be like that? This could be so much easier."

"You remember that chance that I said I might give to you? Well that's way past gone now, buddy."

"Oh no it's not. You wouldn't be able to stay away from me and you know it. You can feel it, and I can smell it on you." He leaned forward and inhaled deeply. He could still smell my desire like a perfume on my skin.

I tried to lean back but he just pressed in closer. I bit my lip and took in a deep breath preparing myself for what I was about to do.

I looked back at Alarik for a moment and then whipped my head forward making contack with his. He yelled and staggared back, causing me to fall to the ground. I scrambled on the dirt, holding my head as I crawled toward my shirt. I picked it up and stumbled to my feet before running.

I didn't dare turn to look until I was nearly out of the woods, but when I did, Alarik was nowhere in sight. My lungs burned as I wheezed, trying to suck in air and I sighed with relief as I pulled my tank top back on before stepping out and making my way to Cassie's house.

I didn't bother knocking when I finally got there, her parents had told me a while ago that I was like family and to just go on in.

I stepped through the door and yelled as loudly as I could, "Cas, I'm here!" I made my way through the kitchen and into the hallway. I glanced at the clock and saw that I was nearly an hour late. I hoped she hadn't gotten worried and went out to search for me.

I heard thumping as someone ran across the floor upstairs and straight down them.

"Thank the gods you're here! I thought you might have died or something, or that I'd have to send a search party out for you."

"Like anyone would have been in a huge hurry to search for me," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well I would, and so would my parents, and yourx," Cassie paused for a moment as if deciding whether she should say something. "And Alarik."

I stiffened at his name. "I highly doubt that," I said through my teeth.

"Oh I'm sure he would have. You're his mate after all."

I wanted to laugh at that. It seemed more likely that I'd go missing because of him rather than be found because of him. Though he would probably be the one to find my body or something and claim vengeance on whoever had done it. I would only hope that he ended up getting vengeance on himself.

I pushed the thought away and turned to see Cassie's worried expression.

"Are you okay, Al?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just think I'm going to go back home and rest for the day. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?"

Cassie nodded and walked me to the front door, hollering after me that if I wanted to talk to her, I knew how to get a hold of her.

I just nodded and kept going. I went the long way around to avoid walking past Alarik's house, there was no way I was going to chance another meeting with him again, not today; not when I didn't trust him, or myself.

When I got back to my house I went straight up to my room, avoiding my parents and any attempts at talking. I really wasn't in the mood for it. I crawled under my covers and stared at my window with the blinds drawn, glancing between the window and the clock, and watching as the time slowly passed.

I couldn't help by be drawn back to Alarik. How was it that I could be so drawn to him and yet so repulsed at the same time? So far he had lived up to my expectations of him, granted, he had surprised me a couple times. Was there something in him that was worth redeeming and sticking around for? Or would I just have to leave the pack, go as far away as I could and hope that he wouldn't follow me.

Maybe I had to leave now. He had made it clear what he wanted, there was a part of me that wanted it too, a part of me that wanted him, my mate. But I wanted to wait until the rest of me wanted that as well. I didn't want to give myself to him, because the moment I say those words, there would be no going back, there would be no leaving.


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