Chapter Five

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She ran up the stairs and straight to the closet where she prayed her brother would be, alive and well. Her heart pounded furiously, faster than it had in the midst of the battle outside. She had just lost both of her parents who, although absentee, she had loved. If Mason was hurt or - she couldn't even think of another option – she couldn't live with herself. She shoved the closet door open and sighed in relief as she saw the curled-up form of her brother, his arms wrapped around his knees and his head tucked down and out of sight.

"Mase." She breathed out, his head shot up and his body launched itself into her arms, uncaring of the brooms and cleaning supplies that were knocked down in the process. She tucked his head in to his neck, an important spot for wolves, a spot were their scent was the strongest, and they were the most vulnerable, it showed the trust one had in another to allow their teeth so close to their jugular.

She hushed her brother's worried questions and took off down the hall. With Mason in her arms she toured the rest of the house, listening intently for any signs of life within its walls. She found no one.

The safe house had been ransacked, and everyone inside had been sitting ducks as the rogues had slaughtered them ruthlessly. Her spirits were low, but determination kept her shoulders pulled back and her head held high. Westminster Pack was a proud one with a long, storied history, and she would save them, she would pull them out and away from the brink of destruction if it was the last thing she did.

She stepped into the dining hall, the red-headed woman, Lily, was there, with a child on each hip. She nodded to Lily, setting Mason down on the table before approaching the two children.

"Hello." Their faces were dug into Lily's neck, their hands gripping her shirt, looking unlikely to let go.

"Girls," Lily whispered soothingly, "say hello to Alpha Eden." One girl peaked over at Eden who sent her a reassuring smile,

"Hello there. What's your name?" Eden wished she had spent more time with the pack. She wished she had shared stories with them over the fires in the summer, or broke bread with them in the winter, for now she had to lead a pack that she knew next to nothing about.

"Melody." The voice came out as quiet as can be, muffled by Lily's shirt, but it did succeed in bring the other girl out from Lily's neck. They were sisters, twins, the uncanny resemblance was undeniable.

"And you?" Eden asked the other shy girl.


"Those are very pretty names girls. Do you know Mason?" Eden stepped out of the way to reveal the small form of her brother, who was swinging his feet off the edge of the table.

The two girls nodded shyly,

"Perfect, why don't the two of you go sit with him while me and Lily have a chat, okay?"

Lily set them down on the hardwood floor and they went over to sit with Mason, holding each other's hands like they were afraid to let go. Eden wondered what it would be like to have a twin, someone who loved you and understood you better than anybody else. But now was not the time for those thoughts, she would have plenty of time to debate life as a twin once she got her pack and her brother to safety.

"Was that it?" She asked Lily who nodded, her face one of pain and sorrow. The pack bond flared up and Eden sent comfort over to the girl that had to be at least two years older than herself. "Okay then, we'll wait for the others, in the meantime though, we need to pack some food."

"Are we not going to stay here?" Lily looked up at her expectantly.

"No, the rogues know of how few we are, they could be back at any time. It's not safe here anymore."

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