Chapter Nine

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Eden didn't know what to say. In all honesty, she had planned to ignore the fact that they were mates entirely – or at least for as long as possible. She wasn't prepared for a mate; she had long thought that maybe she wouldn't have one because of the feral nature of her wolf yet here he sat. She didn't even know how to talk to members of her own pack, let alone an Alpha male who was a complete stranger and one with such strong and intimidating features at that.

She had to admit that he was a fine specimen of a male. With angular features and strong build, he was everything the wolf world deemed attractive and he seemed genuinely nice to top it all off. The idea that she had been paired with such a person made her a little uncomfortable and more than a little anxious. He made her tongue-tied, she could think of no right response to his statement.

She couldn't help the unease that flashed across her face. The walls she had been working so hard to keep up were falling and falling fast. She had been hiding behind false bravado since stepping onto his territory and with two words he had made it crumble.


She locked eyes with him and was relieved to feel nothing but reassurance rolling off of him in waves. There was no judgement or frustration in his gaze and slowly but surely she relaxed into her chair.

"I'm sorry," she admitted, "I wasn't prepared for this. I didn't even think I'd have a mate what with my wolf and all. You on top of everything else I'm going through right now is just a lot to take in at once."

It wasn't in an Alpha's nature to apologize, or admit to defeat or weakness, but Eden wasn't raised an Alpha, so it wasn't in her nature to be prideful and defensive. She leaned back into her chair, hugging her arms close in a gesture of self-soothing. She was glad he seemed accepting of her despite her uncertainty and awkwardness, but the more she stared at him the more her words seemed to sink in.

His face slowly slipped from warm and soothing to confused,

"What do you mean, 'what with your wolf'? What's wrong with your wolf?" He sat forwards from the comfort of his chair, his elbows leaning on his desk. Eden froze in shock; she hadn't realized she let that slip. It was such a known fact in her pack, she had been infamous, the Alpha girl who couldn't shift, wrapped in beautiful chains and trapped in human form.

She was supposed to be a symbol of strength for her pack and yet she embodied their weakness, every wolf's worst nightmare. She hadn't meant for the Northern Alpha – Elijah – to find out, and now, even knowing he was her mate, she wanted to keep it under wraps. She had no doubt that telling him would anger him, not only did northern wolves pride themselves on strength, but also on shunning the weak. It was why her pack had treated her as they did, and she knew Twin Peak would most likely be much worse.

She braced herself, "I can't shift."

It was like watching a volcano erupt in slow motion. She could see the budding anger as what she said sank in. His fist clenched along with his jaw and soon he was out of his seat, pacing behind his desk.

"That's impossible."

"You're right," he stopped pacing to stare at her, his hand made its way through his dark locks, "technically I can, but I don't."

"What do you mean you don't shift? That's unheard of." The agitation on his face was unlike any Eden had seen, he was taking the news even worse than she had when the elders broke it to her. Part of her was amused at his unwillingness to take in what she was saying, but the other half was touched. He seemed genuinely distraught for her, like he wanted to help her, not throw her away like she thought he would.

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