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Today is Monday, I got my uniform and was wearing it, I made sure the uniform was on perfectly, otherwise mother and father would be mad.

My mother and father had already left for America but if they found out I was wearing my clothes indecently I'd be in huge trouble.

I used my magic and my wings disappeared, I didn't feel comfortable with them not present but there is nothing I can do.

I got mike, our driver, to drive me to school, once we got there I got out of the car and left after thanking him for the ride.

I went straight to where my class should be. I noticed I was a minute early, I knocked on the door and my new teacher opened it, I stared up with my dull eyes and said "Hello sir, I was informed that this would be my new class." He nodded and walked back in.

He then said "Class we have a new student joining us." I walk in and hear the almost silent chatter of a few of the student, I hear a boy say "wow, she's hot, I'd say a 9." U heard another boy say "Why not 10?" I heard the first boy laugh a bit pervertedly and he said "Well I like woman with really big breasts, and her emotionless expression just ruins it." I stopped listening to them after that, I bowed politely and said "Ohayou Gozaimasu, my name is Cyla Aiko Ryū, nice to meet you all." The teacher nodded and said "Take a seat, if you have any trouble, ask one of your classmates." I nod and sit down in the chair he pointed to.

(I'll write the English of the Japanese terms at the end of the chapter.)

I grabbed out my notebook and other stuff in case he taught stuff I didn't already know

He started writing notes and everyone was writing it quickly, I took a glance and memorized it and wrote it down very quickly, it was quicker then him, but the problem was, the way he's teaching it will lead to confusion, if he focused on the main terms, he could teach it faster, and the students would understand it better.

I sighed and decided taking notes was useless since I already knew all this, I heard a few whispers when they noticed me putting the school stuff away, I laid my head on my arms and stared out the window.

I heard a little bit of a scratchy and high pitched voice say "That bitch, she thinks she's better than us, we'll teach her." I didn't continue to listen and just watched the beautiful view.

I then noticed something on the mountain, I've always had superior senses. I see a yellow octopus looking thing, I can also see a bunch of student, then a red head.

The red head was attacking the octopus, I was interested so I watched for the rest of the session.

Finally lunch came, I didn't get up form my seat, I continued to stare out the window, I wasn't hungry.

I felt someone touch my shoulder, I knew it was the other classmates so I didn't react, mother and father would be mad if I ruined the family name by fighting in school.

I felt myself being pulled out of my seat. I didn't react in the slightest. I felt the kick to my side, then I heard the familiar girl voice say "Awww, she's just a weak little puppy, she's so weak she can't even react!" I didn't react but on the inside I was burning with rage.

I let them continue to bully me, but I didn't do anything, when they finally got bored they left for their lunch, I got up and watched as my injuries healed except for the few cuts they inflicted on my, I stared at the drawn blood emotionlessly and then cleaned it.

I sighed and sat back in my chair, I kept my guard up still. After a couple minutes I heard a male voice say "Hey, are you the new student?" I raised my head and turned towards the door.

I saw an orange haired boy, I nodded and he smiled at me, I could tell it was fake, he said "Nice to meet you, my name is Gakushuu Asano." I nod my head and say "My name is Cyla Aiko Ryū, nice to meet you Asano-San." He nods and says "I'm here to show you to the cafeteria."

I stand up and follow him, it would be impolite and rude to refuse his offer, after all he's using his time to do this, I'll just buy some milk and pocky.

I walked into the cafeteria and went to buy my milk and pocky, I grabbed some money and paid for the food and drink.

Once I had my drink and snack, I went to the door and saw Asano-San waiting, I guess he's waiting for a friend.

I continued to walk and then I felt a hand grab my shoulder, I turn around and see Asano-San, he asks me "We're are you going?" I tilt my head slightly and his cheeks seem to go red, he's either ill of blushing, whatever, I look him in the eyes and I notice him inspecting my dull eyes, I then answer his question "I was heading to class, I presumed you were going to meet up with a friend, I apologize for assuming wrong."

He smiles but this time I can tell it's real, he says "Never mind, anyway I'll escort you back to class." I nod and follow him back to class, I bow my thanks and he walks away.

When the teacher comes in he gives me a blue note, I open it and it says 'I have to speak with you after school.' I sit down and think about what I could've possibly done to get my teachers attention?

I sigh and ignore the other lessons since I had no interest in relearning things I already know.

Ohayou Gozaimasu = good morning (formal)

Word count: 1027

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