~ 15. shit just got real ~

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'Brian see that guy over by the trees' i said

'Yeah' he said

'Follow his fucking ass' i said and he started the car and sped up to him and he started running

Where you going now boy

He threw his blanket on the floor that he was shrouding himself with and ran for his life

He then fell on the floor and i jumped out the car and when he got back up I  tackled him down and put his hands on his head and sat on his back

'Oye shut the fuck up' i said and pushed his head into the ground

Brian then came and grabbed some cuffs and clipped them on his wrists and i duck taped his mouth and threw him into the boot of the car

'Take him to MI6 base' i said and brian nodded

'Yes boss' He said and i called my uncle Gavin

'Hey kiddo how's it going' he asked

Why's he so calm

'Found some creepy dude been keeping watch on me for a few days. Taking him to MI6 tell someone to keep a room open for us. I need some answers' i said

'Sure thing.  Are you ok. Need any help. You good' he asked

'Perfect how's mum and dad'

'Still in dubai'

'Alright thanks'

'I'll tell someone to open a room. Keep me updated' he said and i hung up



'Hey calm down. ' brian said holding my hand

'No one ever calms down when you say that' i said and he laughed and pulled up

'Go get a few guys to drag hiss ass down into that room' i said and instead of going inside the security guards came running to us

'May we help you' they said and i pulled up my badge

'Miss wood I'm incredibly sorry. This is Protocol'  he said

'Your uncle has just called. Where is the guy you want taken down' another one said

'I understand.' I said and opened the boot and one man grabbed him and put him on his shoulders as he wiggled and struggled to get off

'Fucking stay still' the man said and he wiggled even harder

Can i just punch the living daylights outta him

We went underground and he opened a door and placed him on the chair and took off his cuffs then tied him on the handles of the chair

'Need any assistance' they asked

'No thank you i have brian' i said and they saluted and left

'Get me a bat' i said and he pulled one out from a shelf and gave it to me

When we're underground there's no jokes. It's all business

Brian grabbed a bat for himself and i ripped the duck tape off his mouth

'Ah you bitch' he said and i quickly took my phone out and took a picture of his face

'Why am I here' he yelled and i punched his face

'Only I ask the questions.' I said

'Who the fuck are you' i said and he smiled and started laughing

'You really want to die' i said and punched him again

'Next time it'd be a bat to the head now fucking talk' i yelled and he stayed quiet

'Boy don't test my patience. We can do this the hard or easy way.  Speak or ill make you' i said

'Nathan jones' he said

'Wasn't so hard yeah' i said

'Why were you spying at us'

'I was forced too'

'From who' again he stayed quiet

'TALK' i yelled and swung ny bat at his leg

Harshly, I banged my bat at the floor at md leaned on it

'Who do you work for' i said and brian checked his pockets

'His names actually Corey beckett' he said

'WHO THE FUCK DO YOU WORK FOR' I yelled grabbing a pair of wire cutters and putting his finger in between it

'The cold serpentine. I'm just a henchmen. I was told you were undercover and i had to keep an eye on you' he said

'Had to keep a eye on me for what' i said and just then he reached up to the cutter and pressed the handles and chopped off his finger

'HOLY SHIT' brian yelled

'He won't die' i said

'Well not yet' i said and went closer to him

'Who told you to watch us. I need fucking names. Addresses. Or I swear I'll cut you in small pieces and feed it to the 23 German shepherds out side.' I hissed at him

'You're going to die. They're all coming. You. Him your brother.  You mum and dad. Will die' he said and anger boiled

I swung my bat at him and brian grabbed me and pulled me outside

'Please fix him' brian said to the guards and they  nodded and he took me to another room


'Shh' he said hugging me and i started crying

'Hey hey its ok' he said

'No its fucking not' I yelled punching the wall

'He was told about me going undercover.  There's a snake in MI6' i said


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