~ 29. what are we? ~

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He pinned me up the wall with his arms up the wall and around my head

Oh god what was I doing

I wanted to pull away but I just couldn't

'Ahem' i heard and i pulled away

'Miss wood. Your mother's on the phone.' She said giving me her phone

'Hello' i said walking away

'Why is your phone off'

'I left it in my jacket. It's hanging on my chair. I was a bit busy' i said

'Right. So has he said anything' she asked

'Just chatting a load of shit. He's pissed me off' i said

'HEY UM HE'S AWAKE' i heard Hayden yell

'Go. I'll keep you posted about your brother' my mum said and i hung up and gave the lady her phone back then ran inside

Hayden towered over the guy as he was on the floor in a pool of his own blood, laughing

Is he weird ?

'Hes going to die. He won't live. I fucked up his head. He won't survive' he said rolling around laughing and i kicked his head

'I'll make you pay. Make you fucking suffer ' I said and he laughed even harder and i kicked him again

'Why'd you get the Serpentine after me' i said

'You're the only one that would go after your brother and your friends brother. No one else seemed to care. Your parents sent you off thinking it was easy. I thought I'd end you as well as him and give your parents a break' he said and i punched him

'What did Tylers brother ever do to you.' Hayden said coming in front of me

'I said he owed me. I just wanted what was mine. He couldn't pay up. So i shot him' he said

'Well you can sit here and rot' i said

'My heads bleeding' he said

'Is it' i said turning around and wacked the rod off his head again

'Oh look it's bleeding more' i said

'Wait' he said and i stopped in my tracks

'He will die. I might die too but the Serpentine will still come after you. He will die' he said and i dropped down the rod and grabbed his shirt then pulled him between the door and slammed the door closed on to his face and blood poured out

'Jesus Christ' Hayden said

'Told you to leave' i said and headed upstairs

'Miss wood' 2 men saluted at me

'Prison 10.' I said and they nodded and ran downstairs

'THEO TAKE HIM HOME' I said to another agent and he nodded

He was also my driver

'Head home' i said to Hayden, leaving the head quarters and into my car and driving off towards the hospital

I then connected my phone to the car Bluetooth and called my mum

'Alex. Is everything ok' she asked

'Yeah. How is he' i asked

'Stable but no sign of him waking up. What happened with gavin' she asked

'He dead' i said and she went quiet for a second


'Im on my way' i said

'CAMER-' she suddenly hung up

Oh god no

I sped even quicker

I pulled up, grabbing my gun and ran out locking the car not even caring where I parked it

I ran inside and into the room and opened the door and ran in

Everyone just stared at me

''What happend'' i said

'His oxygen pipe. Someone came in' my mum said

'We're on the 5th floor how the fuck did someone get in ' i said

'Mum and dad go home. No one knows where we live. I'll call you later. Me and Adaline will keep an eye' i said

'Im fine. I'm staying' my mum said

'Me and Adaline will get some food from the kebab shop down the road' i said and a nurse walked in

'I need to do a quick check up' she said

'Keep an eye out' i said to my dad and he nodded and then me and Adaline headed out

'I saw who came inside. He left before i could get him. He was like a ninja. Jumped down and was gone' she said

'We're gonna find these pricks. Even got a gang on our side too. ' I said and we waited at the lights so we could cross the road

Suddenly, Adaline was pushed and into the road but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back before she fell into it

'Holy shit' me and Adaline said and a guy dressed in full black with a hood started running and me and adaline looked at each other before running after him

I ran after him while after adaline took the short cut and he jumped over a fence and i jumped up after him and pulled out my gun

No point in shouting stop

He's clearly not going too

Just then Adaline came out from the opposite street and i floored him

'Alright who the fuck are you' i said taking off his hoodie and put a gun to his head

'Here' he said giving me an envelope and then suddenly he pressed the trigger and killed himself

'What the fuck'

'Oh god'

'Open the envelope' i said and 2 men came running at us

'We'll take it from here miss wood'

We were being followed by him and MI6

'Go to the hospital. I'm going to get the food' i said and ran to the kebab shop and got 4 donor kebabs and headed back to the hospital and brian was in there with his laptop and the envelope

'I think you need to see this' brian said


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