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Doing as he was told Yoongi packed up his things and stood up from his chair, all eyes turned to him as he did so but they were quick to turn back to their texts book not really caring what the boy was doing.

The only pair of eyes that followed him was from the famous Kim Taehyung, but like always he shrugged his eyes off as he walked out of his classroom ignoring the calls from his teacher.

His eyes had began to well up with tears once he stepped outside of the classroom door, he was definitely going to regret this later but he couldn't care staying in that classroom.

Yoongi has done this a few times over the years he's been in school, all the students were used to it but of course the teachers didn't like it but he doesn't care.

His mental health comes before school work, so much was going through his mind ever since the morning which was why he was in a bad mood.

He was just tired, tired of everything but there wasn't much he could do but to accept it.

He was just glad he had his friends Jimin and Jungkook, they've been by his side ever since they were little kids.

They were like his brothers, especially Jungkook. He did everything in his power to protect both Yoongi and Jimin, they were his world and he'd die if something bad happened to them.

Just thinking about all the things the male has done for him had his tears finally rolling down his cheeks, his life was absolute hell but having these two in his life kept him living.

So when he saw his friends standing by the doors the school it didn't take him long before he was running over to them, their arms wrapping around his small body as he let out a small cry.

Both of them hushed his as they guided him out of the school building and over to Jungkook's car where he drove them to a small ice cream shop.

It wasn't long before a smile was forming on the boy's lips once more, all three of them sitting in a small booth in the ice cream shop as they ate and talked.

"You feeling any better now Yoongs?" Jungkook asked as he licked his ice cream.

"A little bit," he nodded "I'm sorry I've caused you all this trouble, because of me you two are missing your lessons."

"S'kay Yoongs!" Jimin grinned, ice cream all over his mouth from still being in his little space "Jiminnie and Kookie hate those lesson's anyway!"

Jungkook nodded his head with a small chuckle, picking up a tissue before he wiped his boyfriends mouth "Such a messy baby," the male cooed before pressing a soft kiss to the boys cheeks only for a small blush to rise.

Jimin shooed the male away with a small pout to which he just let out a small laugh.

In all honesty Yoongi wished he had something like that but of course he'd never tell those two that, he was known for being the boy who pays no attention to anyone and would never catch feelings for anyone either.

He also wouldn't admit the fact that he's had a crush on Taehyung for two years now, so knowing the male wants him made his heart flutter but at the same time made him feel sad because the male was known for being a little fuck boy.

Even though he texts him these things that make him blush and his heart flutter he can't help but to think this is all a set up between him and his friends, he couldn't bring himself to have his heartbroken.

His home life wasn't great so to add heartbreak on top of that? Yeah, he'll definitely pass.

But for the rest of the day all three boys walked around the city, stopping for dinner once it got late all just to make little Yoongi happy even if it's just for awhile but anything they do for him makes him happy.

The one thing he was regretting was going home, he knew the school had probably called his parents by now so his few hours of happiness was finally coming to an end, but at the end of the day his happiness never lasts, it was like his life was meant to be filled with a lifetime of sadness and pain.

As Jungkook pulled up in front of his house, his heart dropped to his stomach as tears began to form in his eyes "Yoongs don't wanna go back Kookie," the boy cried as he looked over at the male in the front seat.

"I know Yoongs, but if something happens this time round you tell me and I'll pick you up straight away got it?" Yoongi nodded his head before he bid them both goodbye, his head falling down as he walked towards his front door he didn't want to leave his friends but he knew deep down that he had to face his consequences for his actions.

Once he opened up the front door all hell broke loose, his dad came storming out of the living room and straight towards him as he grabbed a fistful of his hair pulling him up so he could look him in the eyes.

A small whimper of pain left his little lips as his father growled in his face "Skipping school again you little shit? You're so going to pay for that," and before he knew he was on the floor while the male kicked him in the face, in his stomach and overall all over his body.

What felt like eternity was in actuality only two minutes, the beating had stopped, his ears ringing only managing to catch the sound of two people arguing he managed to only catch the sound of his fathers voice before his eyes fell shut.

Darkness began to take over his body as the pain corrupted his entire being, this was only a light beating which was most likely going to get worse. Whoever was the person arguing with his father has just made his living nightmare absolute hell. 

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