Chapter Thirteen: The Meadow

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    There were about three things that Daniella was absolutely certain of at the moment.

    One, Jasper was a vampire. She took a moment to look at herself in the mirror, worry clear in her features now.

    Two, There was a part of him that craved her blood, thirsted for it. She moved to gaze out of the window seeing the familiar Silver Volvo sitting in her driveway. Edward and Jasper standing near the hood of the expensive car between them. Dani saw the smile that was evident on Jasper's face as he looked at her, she couldn't resist the grin forming on her own lips.

    Three, Daniella was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.


    Jasper and Daniella were laying in the little meadow they'd discovered in the woods. It was full of Carnations and Poppy flowers. Carnations are Daniella's favorite flower, alongside Roses. No matter how much she despises being compared to a girly-girl, she could never give up her love for flowers.

"How long have you been like this?" Dani asked softly, afraid of disturbing the atmosphere around them.

"Since 1863, unlike my siblings, I was not changed by Carlisle." Daniella could tell he wasn't read to talk about what'd happened when he was turned. However, his answer was enough to occupy her curiosity.

"How'd they find you?" She mumbled, turning onto her side to watch the side of his face as he spoke.

"Technically I found them, they just knew I was coming." Jasper smirked, it confused Daniella more than it had answered her question.

"What do you mean?" Her eyebrows creased in thought and Jasper's head turned to face her, seeing the expression on her face caused a small, content smile to fall onto his face.

"It was a couple years after my turning. I was traveling through the states, getting away from the army was one of my main priorities." Daniella's eyes widened slightly.

"Army?" She questioned him.

"Youngest Major in the Texas Calvary." Jasper smirked, the confidence radiating off of him. Dani smiled and let him continue his story, "Anyway, I was walking past this little coffee shop when a certain petite, pixie-like woman began to scold me for keeping her waiting so long, at a coffee shop of all places." The radiant happiness coming from Jasper was overwhelming, but Daniella felt privileged to be able to witness his emotions so freely. However, she felt her smile falter just the slightest at the mention of the 'petite, pixie-like woman'. She just pushed those feelings down and continued with their talk.

"So, when you get turned, all you have to do is...bite?" Daniella questioned him.

"No. Our bite contains venom, and once we get the taste of blood a certain...frenzy begins and it's almost...impossible to stop."

"What about your family? Are they the same way?" Daniella's curiosity was a blessing and a curse. It gave her answers, but sometimes the answers are far from anything she could've thought.

"Carlisle turned them. He found Edward and Esme in hospitals. Edward was dying of the Spanish influenza. I don't really know much about Esme's story, but my siblings soon followed." Jasper told Dani, as he looked up to the sky.

"Does someone have to be dying to become like you?" There was an underlying question to it, but Jasper answered anyway.

"No, that's just Carlisle. He wouldn't do something like...this, to anyone if there was another way." Jasper's tone held disgust and slight anger. It made Dani feel down all of a sudden. Like she was in the wrong for some reason.

"So, is Carlisle the reason you all hunt animals?" Dani's eyes were focused on Jasper intently. Jasper's head turns toward Daniella, his eyes getting lost in hers momentarily.

"Not the only one." He mumbled out, their faces closer to each other than they've ever been before. His eyes were intense with emotion as they stayed silent for a while. "I don't want to be a monster." He admitted.

    Daniella nodded. She understood him. She wouldn't want that either. Dani smiled a small smile at Jasper, causing one to etch its way onto his.

"We call ourselves Vegetarian. For our kind, hunting animals instead of humans, it's like living off of tofu. It'll keep you strong, but not as satisfied." Jasper's gaze shifted and then suddenly he was gone. Daniella looked around confused at first before seeing him standing on a low tree branch as he leaned against the trunk. Dani rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Show off much?" She spoke as she stood back up in the meadow.

"It's not that impressive. Everyone in my family can do it." Jasper told Daniella, his eyes searching hers from a distance, however, it didn't matter what the distance was for him. He could see her clearly.

"Can they affect emotions too?" She asked, her voice seemingly small under his intense gaze. Jasper had jumped down from the tree by now.

"No, it is unique to each of us. Edward can read minds. Alice can see the future." Jasper spoke stepping closer to her with each word. Daniella was still effected by her name. Alice was close to him, closer than Dani would probably ever be.

"I bet she saw me coming, huh." Dani pushed a piece of her hair back behind her ear. She noticed the change in his mood, from content to stoney.

"Alice's visions are subjective, Dani. The future can be changed." Jasper stated.

    Daniella was out of questions by that point as her and Jasper laid silently beside each other, enjoying the others presence. As the wind blew gently through the plants in the meadow. Daniella was gazing into Jasper's golden-brown eyes once again. The honey shade of his eyes with a golden ring around the pupils. They were hypnotizing to watch and Dani found herself lost in them.


    Dani sat in the bed of the rusty, old pick-up truck in the Swan's driveway, drawing the memory of Dr. Cullen she had only a few days ago. She'd not forgotten about the resurfaced memory. She wanted answers, but was afraid of what they could be.

    There was a sudden and loud thud as the truck bounced, causing Daniella to gasp and pull out her earbuds. She looked up and found Jasper looking at her, a smug smirk on his lips.

"You do know we have neighbors, right Jazz?" Daniella asked, trying to get her thoughts back in order after the jump scare Jasper had given her.

"Come to my house tomorrow." Jasper asked, more like stated, as he ignored her question. Dani was conflicted. She wanted to meet them, officially. But she was worried, not of them, but worried that they wouldn't like her.

"Like with your family?" Dani asked, putting the closed sketch book down beside her. Jasper sat down stiffly in front of her, but he seemed relaxed. Even if it was just the slightest. "What if they don't like me?" She asked, watching him with furrowed brows.

"You are worried, not because of being in a house of vampires, but because you think they will not approve of you?" The bright smile on Jasper's face was something Dani wanted to stay there. Something she wanted to see on his face all of the time.

"I'm glad that this is amusing to you." Daniella rolled her eyes playfully with a small smile. His happy demeanor slowly fades as he hears something.

"What?" Daniella asked.

"Just a..complication." He shook his head, "I'll pick you up tomorrow."

    As soon as the words left him, he was gone with a small shake of the old truck. Not long after, Jacob and Billy's truck pulled into the Swan's driveway.

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