Chapter Twenty-Three: The End

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    The events after Daniella awoke was intense, but fitting. All of the peices that she had been missing were suddenly making more sense to her. Now, however, she wanted to know everything.

    The Cullen's were gathered in the living room where Daniella had woken up, but now they were all sitting comfortably on the furniture around the room. It had been quite since the reveal of her latest vision. So Dani decided to confront a thought she had been curious about for a while.

"Carlisle?" She muttered, gazing across to the eldest Vampire in the room. He looked over to her with a knowing gaze and provided a reply.

"You're wondering about that night, aren't you?" He asked, referring to the incident at the police station all those weeks ago. Daniella simply nodded gaining the attention of every other person in the room.

"What night?" Rosalie asked, her tone laced with her curiosity.

"The night I first met the twins." Carlisle responded.

    Everyone in the room held a confused gaze at Carlisle's answer, even Dani and Bella.

"I thought we met the day of the accident." Isabella said.

"To your knowledge, yes, we did officially meet then. However, I've known of you two for longer than you think." He admitted. Dani sat up from her spot, cuddled into Jaspers side, to fully face the authoritative, blond sitting across from her.

"It was you..." Dani spoke, the slight smile that graced Carlisle's face was enough of an answer for Daniella to understand.

"What do you mean, 'It was him'?" Jasper sat up beside Dani, his posture just as perfect as usual. Daniella smiled as she provided a response to Jasper's question.

"He was the Doctor who delivered us as babies. I-I remember it.." She said, confused, but not at the same time, "It's the only vision I've ever had of this life's past."

    To say that they were shocked would probably be a big understatement. The room fell silent once again as more peices began to fall into place for Daniella.

    Until she had a realization that could possibly change the course of her life as she knew it.

"It all makes sense now..." She mumbled.

"What does?" Jasper asked.

"Just think about it, Jazz. Since I was fifteen I've been getting visions of my past lives, whether they were of you, family, even my friends. They were all the same. Live life, grow up, be rebellious, somehow catch the attention of the love of my life, then die a gruesome death." Daniella stated, getting up from her seat and pacing in front of the Cullen Clan. She saw the understanding in their eyes, as well as the flash of pain from the thought of her many different deaths they had heard of. "But this time is different. Out of all the other life's I have lived, I've never had visions of the life's I lived before the one I was currently in." She admitted. Jasper suddenly remembered prom and how Daniella had told him this, but he wouldn't listen then and she ended up falling into a vision for days. This time he would listen. This time he won't make the same mistake he did last time.

"So, what's different now?" Alice asked, "From what I've seen, you're still a rebellious girl with friends and family who found the love of her life." Daniella sent Bella an apologetic look before answering.

"The difference is that before, I loved the life I lived and I loved my family like no other. I just loved everything. I was happy, bright, hell I was always the center of attention." She laughed sadly, "This time...This time, I'm not." Dani confessed, "I'm-I'm depressed. I'm broken. I was never the center of attention. Every friend I ever had I ended up pushing away. I even tried to push you all away when I first met you." She confessed to the family of vampires around her. "I blocked people out. I built a wall and I kept myself shut away from anyone I thought could have the ability to hurt me." Dani looked shyly at her sister, but could only see understanding swirling around in her eyes.

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