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Raphael was in the pack house's library when Micah entered the large room and slammed the door shut.

"Woah, what happened?" Raph asked, "Did it not go well?"

"It did. It was great, he's great," Micah sighed, "We talked the entire way to his place. He was smiling and laughing, oh god, his laugh is so sweet and everything was going perfect."


"I was about to ask him out, like, you know how normal humans do, but then he got a call," Micah let out a bitter laugh, "From his fucking boyfriend."

"Oh," Raphael scratched the back of his head, "That's a possibility I didn't see coming."

"Tell me about it."

"But hey, look, so don't kill me for this, but I spoke to Dominic," Raph took a step forward as Micah glared, "I know you didn't want to talk to Dom and Kat yet, but dude he's my cousin, I trust him. Plus, I just asked about Elias indirectly, he didn't suspect anything."

"What's your point?" Micah snapped.

"My point is that he just moved from England, yeah? That means he must be in a long distance relationship. I know it's still a hurdle, but we all know long distance doesn't work. So, it shouldn't cause too much of a problem."

"I guess," Micah mumbled, "But what if he's really in love with him or something?"

"Dude, you're his mate, I know he wouldn't feel the bond as strongly as you, but he still has to feel something," Raph kept his hand on Micah's shoulder, "It's gonna be hard, but I know you, you'll make it work."

"Thanks." Micah nodded, the corner of his lips turning up in a small, sad smile.

"Besides, before you woo him, I think you should give these a read." Raphael said, pointing towards a bundle of books on the table.

"What are these?" Micah questioned.

"I took out as many books as I could find on human and werewolf mates. They will hopefully help you out."

"You're the man, Raph. I can't thank you enough."

"Thank me after you give them a read. I would help you out, but I have my online class in ten minutes. Best of luck."

Raphael left after that. Micah spent the entire day skimming through book after book, looking for anything and everything he could find on human mates.

By the time he finished the last book, his hand was shaking.

There were only two ways for someone to be a werewolf. One, to be born a werewolf. Second, a human could turn into a werewolf after being bitten by one.

But the second option had a catch. Not all humans after being bitten could turn, but only a few. Only the ones who had a dormant werewolf gene. A werewolf bite activates that gene, but if a human without the gene is bit, then the bite was lethal.

Micah already knew this. Biting humans was considered a blasphemy. There was no way in knowing whether a human has the dormant gene or not. If you want to turn the human, there's a chance you might kill them, and if you want to kill them, then there's a chance you might turn them.

It was a gamble.

Plus, it's not like werewolves had any issues with human, and even if they did, they were much, much stronger, and faster. They could kill them in a thousand different ways.

Micah started sweating as he finished reading a story that gave him the chills. The story was about a werewolf in the late 19th century, named Gerard Lewis.

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