Chapter 14

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It had been two days of you not speaking to Yongguk. You had even blocked his calls and texts since you knew he'd try to contact you again after that day. It was miserable being without him but his unforeseen betrayal still stung your already wounded heart. You had been crying yourself to sleep and the only person you talked to was Daehyun. A part of you did want to speak to Yongguk but you were too hurt to confront him. Not only did you see his actions as betrayal but also rejection. A man who had seemingly been so head over heels in love with you still chose to go back to his ex. "Was he perhaps in love with her and treated me like a rebound?" Several questions and doubts clouded your mind since it hadn't been long since you started dating Yongguk. There was still a lot to know about him. You were sure that he wasn't a guy who would purposely hurt someone but the image of him sleeping with his ex kept haunting you to the point that you weren't sure what to believe in anymore. You decided to skip office and remain indoors.

You got up from your bed to go fetch water but just then you received a phone call from an unknown number. At first you wanted to hang up but you picked up anyway.

"Hello? Y/n? I'm Junhong. Are you there?"

You remained quiet for a moment before finally uttering a "yeah".

"I wanted to speak to you urgently. Yongguk has been very sick for the last two days. He's been trying to contact you to tell you everything but since you've blocked him, I had to call you."

"He's sick? I-I'm sorry but I don't want to talk about anything."

"Y/n! Please understand! He was drugged!"


"Yeah! Chungha had to do with this. Believe me!"

"But he slept-"

"He didn't! He was framed. When he woke up he had told me that he didn't remember anything."

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm with him actually. He hasn't been going to work and since he's alone here, I'm looking after him. He has high fever. Y/n, please come see him. He's been asking about you. He needs you."

Pools of tears formed in the corners of your eyes and bit your lower lip to stop yourself from crying again.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?"

"I'll be right there." With that you hung up and rushed to get to his place.

8:30 PM

He was asleep when you reached his apartment. Junhong had been with him since morning taking care of his medication. You were relieved to know that his health was improving. You sat by his side and took his right hand in yours. His body was still hot with fever. You moved forward to give a light peck on his burning forehead.

Junhong was right there with you and him and he smiled at you.

"Y/n, I'm glad you came here. He was miserable when he couldn't speak to you."

"I should have trusted him and given him a chance. It's my fault."

"It's all Chungha's doing. I don't know why she did it and Yongguk received a message from an unknown number which had a picture of him and her."

"What a sick woman! Why can't she leave us alone? Good thing you have told me everything. Just delete that picture from his phone. I'm here with him and not going anywhere."

"It's not just about you two y/n. Yongguk works in the entertainment industry and that picture can be detrimental for his career. She can leak that picture in public or even blackmail him."

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