Chapter 5

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Jane was beyond hot as she tried to fall asleep. She couldn't stop thinking about Ryder, and it was confusing. Of course he was the hottest guy she'd ever seen, David being such a close second that it didn't really matter. Because David was perfect and Ryder was an asshole.

Except, Ryder wasn't an asshole. Well, he could be, and maybe he even liked to be, but she was convinced she was getting a side few ever saw of him.

She hugged her pillow, sighing. If only he had chosen to sprawl out on her bed when he was here. She would have the luxury of smelling him because the whiffs she'd gotten were to die for.

A light knock sounded on her bedroom door, interrupting her new fantasy.

"Yeah?" Jane squinted when the door cracked, letting the hall light hit her on the face.

"Hey." It was David.

"Hey." She stayed still as he shut the door, making the room drown in darkness. Only his silhouette was visible, and he was walking toward her.

"Can we talk?" He was standing right beside her. "About this morning?"

All her hurt came back. "I thought we were pretending nothing—whatever the fuck it was—happened."

He sighed, and she imagined him running his hand through his hair. "I was freaking out, Jane. I'm sorry. You know I wouldn't hurt you or really mean anything if I do say something harsh."

"I really don't know that anymore." She shifted, moving so she could sit up. It was too unsettling to have him in here after she'd been thinking about Ryder instead of him.

"You don't?" His shape was becoming clearer. "Can I sit?"

Jane glanced at the time. 11:20 pm. "Are you just getting home?"

"Yeah. I showered. I'm not sweaty."

The yummy sight of him sweaty chose to pop into her head, and she hugged her legs as though that would help control her hormones. "Okay. Sit."

The bed dipped, and she saw him even clearer now. He smelled like soap, skin, and David-y. God, she was gonna lose her mind around him. All that held her in place was that he had been distant since their parents married, making her think she'd imagined everything and his dating. If she focused on that, she might keep her sanity and not go mental because he'd totally felt her up that morning and had been dreaming about her.

But she missed him so much. He hadn't come into her room at night since before their parents married. Now that she thought about it, the last time was probably the very weekend his dad proposed, because both their parents had gone on 'business trips'. And that had been just two weeks before the big wedding bomb dropped.

That night, David had come over late, and he said he stayed on the couch. She was too eager to have him stay over, so she convinced him to stay in her room, that they could fit on her bed. They were innocent about it, just holding hands and talking, then she'd woken up practically on top of him. He said she was super restless until he let her lay on him, and they just stayed that way, with him lightly running his fingers through her hair, until their stomachs started growling.

That was the day she knew there was more she wanted between them, but she didn't want to lose him if he didn't feel the same. So she'd decided to wait for him to make the first move.

"You know I care about you, Jane." David's voice pulled her back to the present. "I always have. Always will."

For some reason, this felt like a breakup speech. Like she was gonna lose the friendship she thought meant more than it really did. So she got angry all over again. "Thanks. I got it—you're my caring stepbrother for life."

Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem ((EXCERPT ONLY))Where stories live. Discover now