Chapter Three

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Rosalie scowls at Bella as she and Alice talk flowers, wedding flowers, she remembers her sister's wedding, it had been beautiful, low key, simple, but elegant, and Catherine had looked beautiful, stunning, Rosalie can't understand why Edward would choose the plain, boring human over Catherine. Catherine was perfect for him, her love of music, of dancing and reading, her kind heart and soft temper, never one to start a fight, it's probably why Catherine gave up, gave in and let him go.

"Rose" Edward hisses from the next room, only loud enough for the vampires to her, Alice turns to the blonde and gives her a look, Rosalie growls and walks away. She sits on the edge of hers and Emmett's bed, they don't sleep but Rosalie likes having a bed to sit on, on. Emmett appears at her side and sits with her, threads his fingers with hers and kisses the back of her hand.

"I miss her too," Emmett tells her. They both remain silent listening to the sounds in the house, the human and Alice on the level below, Esme humming in the kitchen, Jasper sat reading in his and Alice's room, away from the human. All the vampires straighten listening to the car turning onto the drive, not Carlisle's car but an unknown one, Rosalie looks to Emmett who stands and moves to the window, that overlooks the front of the house, the Audi R8 skids to a stop, the engine cutting out, there's no heartbeat, a vampire then, Emmett smiles as the blonde in the car looks up at him and smiles back. "Rose" he breaths and his wife is suddenly at his side looking down at Catherine as she steps out of the car.

"Cat" Rosalie whispers happy, can hear Edward stiffen below, she smirks and hurries down the stairs and out of the house to embrace her sister, the two of them clashing with the force from Rosalie, a cracking sound rumbles, like thunder, Catherine laughs and holds her big sister close. "You're here" Rosalie whispers pulling back and clasping Catherine's face in her hands.

"I missed my family," Catherine tells her. Rosalie smiles and kisses her cheek.

"I'm so glad you're here" Emmett bounds out the house and lifts Catherine up.

"Little sister" he cheers, Catherine laughs and hugs him back. "I've missed you," he tells her before he sets her down.

"I've missed you too, Em" he kisses her forehead and looks to her car. "I know, it's a little extravagant..." she tells him. "But I don't care...." she touches the car fondly. "I figured it was time for something different" Emmett smiles at her.

"It's beautiful," he tells her. "Can I?" he asks, she throws her keys at him and he easily catches them and moves to the driver's side, Rosalie loops arms with her sister.

"How are you?" Rosalie asks, Catherine looks to her.

"I haven't decided yet" Catherine answers and shrugs. "We'll see" Emmett starts the car and smiles to himself. "He's still a man child" Catherine points out, Rosalie laughs and nods.

"Part of why I love him," She tells her baby sister who smiles sadly. Rosalie rubs her arm and smiles looking back at the house, Esme smiles from the kitchen, giving the siblings their moment. "Esme's missed you," Rosalie tells Catherine who turns to look up at said woman, who smiles lovingly and warmly back at her.

"I've missed her too....I've missed all of you"

"All of us?" Rosalie asks, Catherine knows who she means, Edward.

"Of course" Catherine answers kissing Rosalie's cheek before she speeds inside to her 'mother' who hugs her tightly.


Rosalie smirks as Edward enters the spare room, now she supposes claimed by Catherine, he crosses his arms over his chest and looks to his ex-wife.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, Catherine frowns and looks to him.

"I live here...." she answers, Edward sighs and nods. "Plus...I got an invitation to your wedding" he frowns.

"I never sent...."

"No, Bella did" Rosalie corrects. Catherine stands and moves to Edward.

"I'm not here to cause trouble," she tells him. "I missed my family.....they are my family too, Edward....and just because we are no longer together doesn't mean that I have to leave.....I only took some time for myself"

"No, I know that, that's not what I meant"

"Yes, it is exactly what you meant" she corrects. "Rosalie is my biological sister, I wasn't going to abandon her, you had to know that I would be coming back" he sighs,

"Yeah, I could have called"

"I did...." she answers. "I called Em from the airport" she turns back to her bags where she's been unpacking. Edward looks to Rosalie who shrugs, she had no idea either, Edward leans in the doorway.

"Is it too much to ask you to meet..."

"Yes," Catherine snaps before he finishes. "It is very much too much" she looks to him. "Now if you please, I would like to catch up with my sister" Edward looks to her sadly and nods before leaving them alone, Catherine turns and sits on the sofa, crossing one leg over the others and reaches up to pull her sunglasses off and rubs her eyes, she can't cry, hasn't been able to since she 'died', but she still feels the need to, Rosalie rubs her arm and kisses her head. Catherine looks to her and Rosalie scowls.

"Cat, look at the color of your eyes" She scolds grabbing Catherine's face and peering into her red irises, Catherine blinks and looks away.

"It wasn't intentional," She tells her sister. "I was hunting and came across an injured walker....before I'd even thought about I'd....." she shakes her head. Rosalie sighs and pulls Catherine closer.

"It's okay, we've all had accidents, it's just your turn now...We'll go hunting later....fix these right up" she brushes her thumb under her eyes and smiles sadly.

"It was an accident" Catherine whispers.

"I know" Rosalie reassures her. "Not one of us is judging" Catherine nods and leans against her big sister who kisses her head.

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