Chapter Twenty Nine

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Jacob cups Catherine's face and kisses her softly as Niklaus sits by his feet, they've moved away from the cabin, slightly, just in case.

"Are you sure?" Jacob asks Catherine softly. She nods.

"This is who I am now....I want to be me" he smiles and nods.


"Just in case....can you and Nik stand....way over there...." she motions away from her, Jacob smiles and nods, understanding, they've both met Emily, they both know what can happen and she'd rather that not be him or their son, and he loves her more for it. He kisses her once more before picking up their son.

"You can do this" he tells her. "We know you can" she smiles and kisses Niklaus' head before Jacob moves to where Billy stands, well away from the wolves. Sam moves to stand in front of Catherine.

"Lets try visualisation first" he tells her. "Have you seen us as wolves?" she nods and looks to Jacob.

"I've seen Jake"

"Okay, good.....try picturing that wolf inside of you" he touches her chest, placing his hand over her heart. "In here....feel it...picture it, you are a wolf now, Cat" she looks to him, he smiles and nods. "Embrace it....feel that animal within you" he smirks. "And let it out" he tells her before taking a number of steps back. She looks down and closes her eyes, and does just as Sam asks, when she looks up her hybrid face is showing, she growls and then in an explosion of fur and clothing, there is a wolf stood in her place, a beautiful white and cream and sable and russet wolf, Jacob stares at her, she is utterly breathtaking.

"Cat" he whispers in awe, his girlfriend is extraordinarily amazing. He smiles. Catherine can feel that she's on all four, can feel the fur covering her body, and she's never felt anything like it before, she home, like she belongs in her new body, that this form is her true form, the form she was always meant to take. "Cat?" she hears Jacob, can feel exactly where he is stood behind her, can feel her son, she turns her huge wolf's head to her family, Jacob takes a step closer and she lifts her eyes to his, heat floods through her form, stronger than anything before, but it is a new kind of heat - not a burning. It is a glowing. Everything inside of her comes undone as she stares at her huge werewolf boyfriend, as she stares at his perfect face and his perfect smile. All the lines that hold her to her life are sliced apart in swift cuts, like clipping the strings to a bunch of balloons. Everything that made her who she was - her love for the child in his arms, her love for her sister, her loyalty to her new family, the love for her old family, her hatred for her enemies, her home, her name, her self - disconnects from her in that second - snip, snip, snip - and floats up into space. She is not left drifting though, a new string holds her where she is. Not one string, but a million. Not strings, but steel cables. A million steel cables all tying her to one thing - to the very center of the universe. The gravity of the earth no longer tied her to the place where she stands. It is the wolf stood across from her. Jacob. Jacob smiles and looks to Sam who smirks.

"Looks like the imprint works both ways" Sam teases, Catherine turns her head to look at Sam. "We all know the look, Cat" he tells her. "You just imprinted on your imprinter" Niklaus wiggles trying to get free of Jacob who sighs and sets him down, Niklaus holds his hands out towards Catherine-wolf who moves towards him, lowers her head and lets him wraps his arms around her neck, she nudges him gently.

[Your turn little wolf] she tells him, Niklaus wiggles and then nods. He stumbles back from her and they share a look before Niklaus' pup form bounces around, the wolf pack all stand and stare at little Niklaus.

"What?" Paul asks. "He just..." Jacob smiles.

"That's my boy" he states, the wolves all laugh. Catherine-wolf snorts. Jacob threads his fingers into her fur and smiles crouching down, she turns her head to him and he smiles wider. Jacob then stands and looks to Billy.

"I got him" Billy tells him. "Go...wolf out together" Jacob smiles and looks to Catherine-wolf, she turns and runs into the trees, Jacob laughs and follows, reaching the tree line he phases, his russett wolf chasing after his imprint and imprinter.

Catherine (J. Black)Where stories live. Discover now