Ch. 30 - The Flyer

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it's monday! New chap!

"Your not going anywhere." A deep voice growled.

I gasped and saw the Blood Alpha Logan Harris standing in the door way. Behind him stood James and his third in command, Magnus.

James carried a shocked expression while Magnus matched Logan's with his arms crossed. Logan's hands trembled as he saw Sir Mateo free of his chains and I crouched next to him.

"Lo-Logan." I gulped.

"I told you not to come down here!" He growled viciously.

He stepped forward and I immediately scrambled to my feet stepping in front of him.

"Wait! No Logan let me explain!" I cried out. He knocked me to the side like a rag doll and charged at Sir Mateo.

"No!" I screamed but I felt someone's arms wrap around me holding me back.

I watched in horror as Logan threw Sir Mateo against the wall. Logan began slaughtering Sir Mateo with punches who yelled in pain.

I struggled to get out of James's arms screaming at Logan.

"Stop! Get off him!" I bawled but it was no use.

The sounds of Logan's fists against Sir Mateo were morphing into crunching sounds.

"Princess!" Sir Mateo shouted.

Logan didn't stop despite mine and Sir Mateos pleads he kept going and going. I shut my eyes looking away, I couldn't bear to watch anymore. I heard metal clanks and shuffling.

"Make her look." Logan's deadly tone ordered.

I felt Magnus hands force my head up while I was still trapped by James. Sir Mateo was sitting on his knees with one eye barely open, his head was covered in blood.

His breathing croaked with every breath he took. Logan walked around to behind him standing with a silver knife.

I cried shaking my head. "Logan, please stop. Please."

"You disobey my command, come to talk to a prisoner whom you know and plot his escape." Logan hissed.

I didn't say anything, just remained quiet. Logan grabbed Sir Mateo by the hair yanking him up. As Logan still held Sir Mateo by the hair being taller than him, he pointed his blade at me.

"Tell me who she really is and I'll let you live." He sneered at Sir Mateo.

I did a small gasp as my heart dropped to my stomach. How much had Logan heard of our conversation? I made eye contact with my former guard, I knew Logan would kill him if he didn't tell.

I was not about to let someone get hurt just to protect me, he was one of my people and it was my job to protect them. I slightly nodded my head at Sir Mateo giving him a sign to expose my secret.

But Sir Mateo didn't instead he spit his blood in Logans face.

Logan growled. "Your funeral." He then plunged the knife into Sir Mateo.

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