Music and Misadventure: 20

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'It is a truly remarkable thing,' said Milady upon the following morrow.

Jay and I were at the top of her tower, comfortably seated in chairs of House's providing. The lyre occupied a plinth before us; that, too, had been spun out of nothing by our beloved House, and it was of fitting beauty: silver studded with amethysts, and attractively carved. House had style. The moonsilver lyre sat there sparkling dreamily in the sun, its strings peacefully flowing, emitting a faint, fae melody to tease our ears.

I'd taken it up, at first. Jay had taken one look at my eyes, and swiftly swiped it off me.

'Nope, nope, nope,' he'd said. 'Bad idea.'

I'd studied him carefully for some minutes afterwards, but he showed no signs of developing the same peculiar symptoms as I did.

And lo, Jay became our designated lyre-carrier.

'It's one of the oldest Great Treasures I have seen, or even heard of,' Milady continued, in a voice of uncharacteristic enthusiasm. 'To think that it has been lying in a pond these thirty years!'

'I can only apologise for my father,' I said.

Milady said, more gravely: 'I must apologise, Ves. I had no idea the venture would prove so... personally significant for you.'

'Except that it began with my mother.'

'Delia gave me no reason to imagine you were so completely out of touch.'

'Would you have chosen differently, if you had known some of these things?'

When Milady decided to be open and honest, she really did it properly. 'No,' she said.

'Shall we move on from the apologies, then? Why have we just retrieved this lyre?'

'I believe it may be of use to us in the matter of Farringale, and perhaps the fifth Britain. If the reports of its talents are true, much may be learned. It goes to Orlando's department at once, and I have hopes of hearing something shortly.'

'Orlando? Why?' He was our inventor. His specialty was new stuff, not dusty old artefacts.

'Because nobody understands the inner workings of enchantments better than he, and his associates. How do you suppose he produces such high quality products? His creations are not produced out of thin air. He has studied a vast number of existing artefacts and treasures.'

'Right. Has there been any word from the Court?'

'Little of relevance, yet. Torvaston's book is being translated and studied as we speak, though it has yet to shed any light on those objects you retrieved along with it.'

My heart sank a little. I'd hoped to have something new to dive into as soon as we returned.

Perhaps Jay had, too, for he said: 'What would you like for us to do next, then?'

'You are free to take some time off, if you'd like.'

Time off? My mind went blank at the prospect. When was the last time I'd had more than, say, half a weekend of free time?

'Great,' said Jay, rising from his chair. 'Because it's Anaya's birthday, and I'm late.'

'Convey my greetings to your family, Jay,' said Milady.

'Absolutely, ma'am.' Jay bowed.

'Who's Anaya?' I asked as he passed me.

'My sister.'

'How many sisters do you have?'

'Three. I'll see you in a couple of days, all right?' He smiled at me, and left.

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