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"Now, before I cut this ribbon. I want to say thank you, to everyone who has supported me. From when I was unmanageable, and hardheaded, and most of all lost - none of my family gave up on me, and that means the world to me. So, this isn't just my shop, my it's my family's shop. Because without them, this wouldn't be possible"

Armani stood in front of her new salon as she held the huge scissors against the bright red bow that covered the entrance, and before she cut it she took an overview of all the friends and family that surrounded her. K-Dot gave her a wink as her eyes passed him, and she smiled at the butterflies that still fluttered in her tummy.

"Damn girl, don't keep us waiting" Ron shouted from the crowd, as he held his son in his hands, "You got me getting ready to cry and shit"

"Ron hush" Marley laughed, her other son attached to her hip as well, as Micah stood in front of her.

Marley playfully rolled her eyes, and as they wished she cut the ribbon.

"Welcome, to Armani's" she sang, finally letting the crowd enter.

She watched as everyone began to crowd in, and K-Dot startled her from behind.

"I'm proud of you baby" he whispered into her ear, "This is only the beginning"

She turned around to face him, next wrapping her arms around his neck, "Yes, it is. I love you"

K-Dot pressed his lips against hers, and then lightly tapped her on the behind, "I love you too. Now, lets get in there so you can show me my work station"

Armani laughed and followed behind him as he
entered the salon, "Boy bye, I got fired from your shop remember?"

"No, I remember you quitting" K-Dot chuckled, "But, I'm looking for a new receptionist if..."

"I'll pass" she playfully flagged him.

"Mani baby, this shop is beautiful" Marley said walking up, "I'm so proud of you"

And it was true. Jocelyn truly outdid herself when she invested into her daughters dreams and funded the salon, making sure it was exactly what Armani envisioned. The tall white walls, large mirrors that decorated the entire place, even down to the rose gold detailing. It was a nice size, not too big due to the fact that she was just starting out and needed a small staff to get her feet wet in the business. But overall, it was beautiful and was definitely a reflection of Armani's style.

"Thanks mamas" Armani beamed, "Here, let me hold my nephew"

"Yes, take him. I don't know what run in your family, but those babies are fat as hell" Marley said wiping imaginary sweat off her forehead.

"Girl, stop. Say I not fat, right Haji?" Armani laughed bouncing him on her hip, "Where's Nile, I want to see him too"

"Ron has him" Marley said gesturing over to her boyfriend that was standing by the receptionist area with Nico and his kids, "So, let's say we celebrate tonight. Go get a drink, like old times. All I do is work and breast feed, please say yes. I can have a few, I just need to pump first"

"Oh yeah, we can do the movies or something but I'm not drinking" Armani shook her head.

Marley raised her eyebrow, "Girl, I know ~"

"Hey dad" Armani exclaimed, spotting Big Muh in the crowd but also avoiding Marley's suspicion, "I haven't seen you in ages, how are you?"

Muh laughed and kissed her on the forehead as always, "Ya mom got me traveling all over the damn place that's why. But I missed you too baby, and I'm proud of you. Who knew, giving you that ultimatum really straight you up"

"Yeah, I had less than three months to straighten up or else you would send me back to my mom's. And now look, you're stuck with me" Armani smirked.

"I'll take it" Muh laughed, "And you look a little different, you got something you want to tell me?"

"Yeah" Armani nodded, "Thank you. Without you and mom, this couldn't of happened"

"No baby, this was all you" Muh assured her, "We can't take credit for that"

Armani smiled, and before she could respond Nico strolled over, "Baby sis, we got to get a pic of this day. Come on everybody, gather around"

He handed the camera over to a family friend, and everyone began to gather into a group for the large picture. Armani looked over her large family, and everyone was there. Muh, Jocelyn, Nico, Azure and even Justin's crazy ass, Ley and Ron, and of course, her baby K-Dot. While they were crazy, and definitely dysfunctional, she wouldn't ask for another family or another journey, because the one she had been through was worth it. They made her who she was, and without them, there would be no her.

"On three, everyone say we love Armani" the man joked behind the camera.


"We love Armani!" The family really shouted, and Armani doubled over in laughter.

"Awww, I love ya'll too" she beamed, once the picture was taken, "And one more thing.....I'm having a baby"

"WHAT!?" Her brothers and Muh shouted in unison.
She shrugged nervously, and K-Dot palmed his face.

This was definitely a new journey, but we'll save that story...for another day.

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