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Aria's POV

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Aria's POV

The soft hum of an airplanes engine is what I wake up to. After Damon found out I was pregnant, he immediately planned a trip to go see his parents at his old pack. Something about how his mother would kill him if she found out over the phone. I wasn't complaining though, I got to spend a week at my favorite house, right next to the beach. There was something about being in Blue crescent that brought me a sense of peace, the memories of Damon and I in our first few weeks of being mates live in his house right on the beach. I didn't have to worry about paparazzi swarming us whenever we leave the castle, or being waited on hand and foot by every person we see, and we could feel a little bit like normal people in this world.

"Good to see you awake." I hear Damon say. I look over from my comfortable position on the couch of the private jet. Who knew growing a werewolf would cause me to be so tired all the time? Damon was sitting in the arm chair across from me looking over some files whilst playing with his hat.

"Are we not there yet?" It was only an hour flight and I've been asleep for awhile, or at least it felt so.

"There's a storm over the landing site so they had to circle around. We should be there soon." He says, smiling at me. He kept telling me that he could see the "pregnancy glow" whenever he looked at me, he was over-the-moon about our baby, I was so relieved he was just as excited as I was. While we may be young and the fear of being too young to be parents still loams in my mind, Damon has reassured me how ready we were. This truly was the Moon Goddess's plan and I just needed to follow along.

"Have you decided how you're telling your mom?" I ask, knowing he hasn't decided yet. He simply shakes his head, he pinches his lips together against his hat before turning back towards his files in front of him. He was always trying to stay on top of his paperwork, he brought it with him everywhere. He said it was he least favorite part of being King so he never wanted it to pile up and consume a whole day of work. He had taken on his role so well and it made me so proud to see him strive as King.

I walk into the bathroom, I quickly check my makeup to make sure it wasn't smudged. Once everything looked good, I walked back out into the main area of the jet. I start to walk over to the mini fridge to get a bottle of water, but a hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me on top of a lap.

"Hi." I joke, looking up at my handsome mate.

"Hey." He smiles, before cautiously places his hand on my small belly.

"You don't have to be afraid, you can't hurt the baby." I smile, pressing his hands closer. He kept staring down at my belly

"I'm just in shock." He says, rubbing his hand over the small bump that had formed. A werewolf pregnancy is shorter than human pregnancies. Since werewolves grow faster and have a much higher metabolism, it's only a 5 month pregnancy. So since I was already 1 month into my pregnancy, I had already started to develop a baby bump. Before we had found out, I honestly wouldn't have noticed too much, it just seemed like a little extra weight.

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