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13a/n: just our boy jimbo figuring out his feelings and telling a few people abt it, a lil fluff at the end because i can't resist :D

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a/n: just our boy jimbo figuring out his feelings and telling a few people abt it, a lil fluff at the end because i can't resist :D


James fiddles with one of Sirius' cigarettes. It isn't lit, but he really needs something to focus on while he talks to his friends.

As soon as Sirius called for a marauders meeting at his apartment — to discuss the next three full moons —James knew it was his time to bring up his situation.

His situation being Mickey and how hard it is to be around the boy without admitting his attraction to him. Why, just this morning he spilt coffee on himself because Mickey yawned cutely.

He feels so guilty, because he's got a girlfriend. Not just any girlfriend, either. She's Lily Evans, the girl he's been pursuing since first year. That means something. She's so special to him, and yet he doesn't think it's romantic attraction. And that confuses and bothers him.

Remus finally comes into Sirius' room, running late because he went to some relative's wedding. He tugs his tie loose and plops down on the bed beside James. "Smoking now, eh?"

James hands him the cigarette and manages a smile. "You guys will never guess who is staying with me this summer."

"Mickey," the three answer in unison.

James runs his hand through his hair nervously. "Oh. Well, yeah. How did you know?"

"You don't really know anyone else," Peter supplies.

"Yeah, and Millie told Mickey your house is a safe place," Sirius mumbles around his own stick. He lights the end and takes a drag. "Plus you like Mickey."

James chokes on his spit. "What?"

"You do care about him an awful lot, Prongs," Remus agrees. "It's not a bad thing. It's good to have friends."

"Yeah..." James licks his lips. They feel chapped. Maybe he should buy chapstick. "Listen, I think I like Mickey. Like like him."

The three stare at him for a moment before bursting into giggles.

"Why do you look like you just revealed codes of war?" Peter giggles.

Remus gives James a look of pity. "You're worried about Lily."

James flops onto his back and stares at Sirius' ceiling. "How pathetic of me to pursue someone for years, and then just decide I don't like them? That's insulting to her. She'll think I was just playing her."

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