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Mickey wakes up around dawn, disorientated. He feels restrained, confined, and no matter how much he struggles he can't get out of his cage.

Finally, he opens his eyes, and it met with James Potter. Stupid James. If there's one thing Mickey has learned over the past few nights, it's that snuggling with James is a death wish. The boy clings like a freakin sloth, and it always makes Mickey wake up thinking he's fighting for his life.

Mickey pushes James away and shoves the boy onto his back. James would sleep through a nuclear war, so he doesn't stir in the slightest. Mickey is still tired, and a little grumpy from James' iron grip.

He climbs on top of James and nuzzles his face into the boy's neck. He's always liked the way James smells, like pine or cinnamon or something else that reminds him of holidays at home.

James, still asleep, wraps his arms around Mickey's waist and lets out a contented sigh.

Mickey snorts. At least someone is sleeping well.

Mickey feels sort of melancholic during moments like these. Moments where James seems comfortable with him. Moments where this all seems like a normal relationship and not a weird thing where Mickey ran off to live with James and James has no choice but to entertain him.

He's seen how uncomfortable James has been since he arrived. It's no surprise that James isn't too pleased with Mickey's arrival. And yeah, Mickey has clung to James his fair share of times, but he can always feel when James tenses up.

He knows times like these are really the only times he can cherish with James, however selfishly.

James is his best friend. Whether the boy returns those feelings or not, Mickey can't deny that James is the one he wants to be with constantly.

He doesn't think of Adam that way.

Regarding Adam, the boy has always pressured Mickey into things. He's always played the victim and made rude remarks about Mickey's choices in life. James never did that and Mickey doubts he ever will.

James is accepting and kind, but Mickey wonders if he's put too much on the bespectacled boy's plate.

Maybe he should give James space, he ponders, but then James stirs and whispers a soft "Good morning," against his temple. Mickey doesn't think he could give James space if he tried.

"Morning, Jimbo." Mickey folds his arms over each other on James' chest. He props his chin up and grins at the messy-haired boy. "How'd you sleep?"

"I-" Red creeps up James' neck. His eyes widen as he takes in Mickey's position. With hesitancy, he grabs Mickey's hips.  "Did I- Did I say anything? In my sleep, I mean?"

Mickey feels warmth pool in his stomach. James' hands feel like fire again his hips. "Did you dream of me, Jimmy?"

James shoves Mickey off of him. The smaller boy laughs as he rolls onto his back. "This is gold!"

"I didn't!" James hisses, leaning up on his elbows. He flicks his eyes to his lap and then quickly glances at his wall. He clears his throat and lowers his voice. "I didn't."

Mickey rolls off the bed, collapsing into giggles. "Tell me," He peaks over the mattress. "Am I a good kisser?"

James throws his pillow at Mickey's face. "It wasn't even about you. It was about Lily."

Mickey snorts. "Obviously, dude. You're so gullible. Sorry you're still having dreams about your now-ex, though. That sucks."


James doesn't breathe until Mickey leaves the room, and he hears the shower turn on.

He falls onto his back and grabs the pillow that's still on his bed. He covers his face with it and lets out a muffled scream.

He wants to close his eyes and forget all of this ever happened, but every time he closes his eyes he goes back to his dream, and it is most certainly not about Lily.

It was about Mickey and his stupid tattoos. Mickey's tattoos and James' lips and Mickey's hands in James' hair. He can still taste Mickey's collarbone against his tongue and he can still hear the quiet gasps of encouragement against his ear. He remembers how pretty Mickey's eyes are up close and a lot of other things James doesn't think he has any right to think about.

James is going to make Mickey uncomfortable, and then he's going to be the reason Mickey runs away again,

He's trying, really trying, to stay calm around Mickey.

But then Mickey does something so endearing, like giggle or smile at James in that way, and he can't help but feel his entire body melt with adoration. He wonders how different this morning would've went if he could've just leant forward and kissed Mickey.

He wishes he could've cherished this morning, but instead he got nervous about Mickey finding out about his dream.

Mickey barges in then, a towel around his waist.

James leans over his mattress and grabs his glasses.

"I forgot my clothes," Mickey says. His skin is a bit pink from the hot water, and James' eye gets caught on a single water droplet. It drips off of his curls and lands on his collarbone; it trails down his abdomen and disappears under his towel. "I'm probably going to move everything into the guest room today," he says, grabbing a striped t-shirt.

"I'll help you, if you want."

"That'd be nice." Mickey says casually. "By the way, your mom is making waffles for breakfast." He leaves the room just as suddenly as he came in.

James' heart stutters. He slaps his head and groans. "Stupid boy."


idk what this is i just felt like writing mickey and james

as usual, tell me what you like/dislike, and what you'd like to see more of!!

also uhh take a shot every time the word "stupid" pops up

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