Artemis and Apollo

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It was a normal day on Olympus, in other words everyone was fighting. Hestia and Hades were there along with Persephone. Demeter was screaming at Hades about Persephone (and cereal) while Persephone sat on her husbands lap and they listened to Demeter's shouting, Hera was shouting at Zeus, Poseidon was ignoring Athena, making her quite mad, Ares and Aphrodite was kissing while Hephaestus sat, broken hearted, building something. The main source of noise in the room was coming from Artemis and Apollo. Artemis was getting mad at Apollo for always being immature and not growing up. He said he couldn't grow up as he was immortal.

"Arty, I'm sorry I can't grow up. Ahhh the struggles of being immortal" he dramatically sighed

"Apollo. Don't. Call. Me. Arty!"

"What ever little sis"

"Right that's it" she got her arrows out and started shooting Apollo. Apollo got his arrows out and all across the room yellow and silver arrows flew. All the other Olympians had stopped arguing and fell silent, watching the two immortal siblings fight. Eventually, after an arrow nearly shot him in the head, Zeus decided enough was enough

"Artemis, Apollo stop this!" he boomed, they stopped shooting and stared at there father

"That's better. Now Artemis what was Apollo doing"

"he was just being his immature self, as always"

"Fine if you want me to act more mature. You'll get it" Apollo changed out of his 19 year old body to a 35 year old body. His eyes changed to look like Zeus's eyes, he had a few grey streaks in his hair and he had a lot of frown lines on his face.

"A-Apollo, that's you?" Artemis whispered, not believing that her baby brother could look like that

"Yes Artemis it is me" said Apollo in a deadly serious tone

"Please, please change into your normal form. Please brother. I hate to admit this but its scaring me" Apollo laughed and changed back into his normal form

"Why'd you become so immature Apollo? We used to have such a good relationship. What happened?"

"We used to hunt together, play together, just be together. Then you slowly started playing more attention to the hunters and I sort of just left your life. I soon realised that if I wanted your attention I had to annoy you like there was no tomorrow. Please Arty forgive me? Your my older sister even though I hate to admit it"

"Of course Apollo I forgive you. Why didn't you come and talk to me about this"

"I tried, you ignored me"

"Oh I'm so sorry, I promis that after this meeting I'll take you hunting"

"Thank you Arty" said Apollo, like a little kid

"Anything for you baby bro"

"Ok, thank you for sorting that out you guys" said Hestia

"I think I speak for everyone here by saying that Apollo please always stay in this form. Your other one was scary" said Hermes. Everyone nodded, still in shock

"Ok now" said Hera "King of the gods its my turn"

Zeus looked terrified

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