Cereal Lady and Hades

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'Ok Demeter, why do you still have it in for me and Persephone?'

'Well you just took Persephone from me without asking permission"

"I asked Zeus, her father, and he said it was fine and that you probably wouldn't let me take her"

"If we had negotiated I might have actually listened and we could've made a deal. Also another reason is that you are her uncle"

"And Zeus is your brother"

"I didn't want to have a kid with Zeus"

"Well out of it you got your most favourite thing, Persephone" Hades lent over to his wife and kissed her cheek. Aphrodite squealed and started talking about how cute they were. Hephaestus made a mental note to wear headphones around his wife, as he was going deaf cause of all her squealing

"Mum, please, do you want me to be happy?" asked Persephone

"Yes dear"

"I am truly happy around Hades, I love you mum but I am so happy around Hades. Maybe we could make an arrangement for you to come and visit us during the winter months? How's that sound dear?" Hades looked reluctant to agree but nodded

"That could be arranged Demeter, you could come and visit Seph and maybe during the summer months I could come and see Seph and you a couple of times"

"But I am the queen of the underworld and you are the king. Why can't I stay with you?" she asked, getting desperate

"Darling, you may be the queen of the underworld but you are also the goddess of spring. The mortals need you up here. And so does your mother"

"Ok fine, but can you at least come and visit me?"

"Yes, if my darling sister would allow it?" He glanced at Demeter

"Ok fine" she sighed "Hades can visit"

"Ok, and also you'll see me at the meetings every month"

"Ok now everyone's sorted there problems, the days over. Everyone can go. I do request that we all meet back in 5 weeks, just to see that everything is running smoothly. Thank you everyone, back to you little brother" said Hestia

"Thank you Hestia. Everyone you are dismissed"

Everyone got up and left the throne room. Ares went to go look over some battles that were happening, Artemis and Apollo went hunting, Hera and Zeus went off somewhere in mount Olympus, Hephaestus and Aphrodite went to Hephaestus's place, Persephone and Hades went back to the underworld and Demeter went to the kitchens to see about getting more cereal for the Olympians

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