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I was in the library at school looking over some old books about law and sociology.I was with one of my friends Destiny since we are doing the same courses.I've known Destiny since the first day of university and she's my closest friend.We have different personalities  where's she's all bubbly and always excited,she wears bright colors she even wears rainbow extensions and her favorite artists are Ariana Grande  and Katy Perry .She's originally  from Mexico and love to watch romance movies.She's sweet though.

"How's that fictional case going?"
Destiny ask

"I'm almost done,I have like three more pages back and front."

"Damn you're doing good I'm almost on my third page."I laugh at Destiny and continued to skip the pages of the books.

Half an hour later we took a break from all the school work,Destiny coloring in her 'Adult coloring book' and me playing a guitar that belongs to the library.

After school I picked up on my shift at the flower shop.Aunt May had and doctor's appointment so it was just me,the security guard  and two assistants today.I sat on the spinning stool around the counter writing ideas to finish up my case completely ignoring the customers walking around the place.

I heard the little bell on the door ring but I didnt look up.I kept writing on my torn out book page


I looked up at the guy that walked in and smiled.He was actually handsome.His bleached blonde hair came down in his face almost covering him brown eyes.He was about 5'7 and had a nice smile.

"Hello how may I help you?"I asked putting down my pen

"Ummm  I just got some pet fish for my apartment and I want their aquarium to look as natural as possible what plants would you suggest."

"I like coontail but if you want something to spread around I'll say get the Vallisneria."

"I have no idea what youre talking about can you show me."We both laughed at that

We went outside to the back where the pond of the different water plants were separated by aluminum.

"So do your fishes have name yet?"I asked anthony as I got the plants from the water and take of my long gloves.

"Yes I have a male betta his name is Angel, and I have to angel fishes a male and female name Nature and Valley."Anthony blushes and looked down at his shoes

I giggled at his cuteness and shook my head.

"Those are very unique names Anthony."

"Thank you."He smiled

We bought the plants back to the counter along with some seeds to re-grow the plants

"You might think I'm crazy for this but  would you maybe want to go on a date with me?"


I was a bit shock my the sudden question i had to stop and think.Its time to forget Leo and move on. I'm not quite sure because every time I think he's gone be come right back to put me in my feelings and go.He obviously dont want me the way i want him amd this is all new to me.I've tried to look at a girl a certain way but it wasn't working.

"Sure yes."I smile and Anthony return it

"Great is tomorrow good?"

"Its perfect."

I gave him my address and number and he went on his way


I was tying my shoes lace when I heard a knock on my door.I ran to open it and smiled at Anthony who stood outside my door

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