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Leo and I were on our way over to my aunt's house. We were driving in comfortable silence. I was excited to see my parents because it's been quite a while since I've seen them. On the other hand I was nervous. My parents are very judgmental when it comes on to relationships and always want to tell people who they think is best for them to date.

"I've been thinking."Leo spoke. I gave him my full attention as he drove down the street to my aunt's house.

"Stepping down."

"As in?" I ask. I had no clue what he was talking about.

"As in hand over the title of being the leader to Jeffery."

"What?!" I ask in surprise. My eyes went wide at what he said and I was in shock.

He parked in front of my aunt's house and we sat in the car because obviously we have things to talk about.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"I know, I love you too."I nod

"I want us to have a normal life, I want YOU to have a normal life. While I was away I did a lot of thinking and had a lot of time to sort things out, put an end to some business and cut some people off."

"But you love what you do and we are fine, nothing has happen since that time at my apartment."

"And that was a close one, things will happen again and it will be because of me. I don't want you to spend your life running around and dodging problems and enemies with me. We have talked about kids and that can't happen if I am a leader of a brutal gang. I love what I do but I would love peace with you even more, go raise kids and have a happy life with you. I'll still be in touch with the gang but on the low. I just want to be with you without  thinking something is going to happen so cops are looking for me. I even got a normal job."

" You did?"

Leo smile and nod. "I bought the arcade in the mall on north avenue and I own half of Travelers Hotel I also bought a house near by, 30 minutes from here so you can still be close to your aunt."

"That's amazing, baby, I'm so proud of you."I lea over and kiss him "But are you sure this is what you want?"

"I couldn't be more sure about anything else." Leo grin.
I shook my head and press my lips to his again. He deepened the kiss and pull me closer to him.
I forgot for a second that we had to go inside to my parents.

"Leo they are waiting." I broke the kiss and said


We exited the car and walk up to the door. It was weird bring flowers to my aunt since she owns a flower shop but Leo insisted and I think it was cute. I press the doorbell and we waited. The door open revealing my aunt.

"Micah! Leo! good to see you both." She gave us a hug

"Hey aunt May."

"Good to see you too."

"Come in, your mom and dad are in the dinning room setting the table, just in time for lunch."

We entered and followed her to the dinning room where we came face to face with my parents.

My mom was the closest to us. I took a few seconds to take her appearance. Her blonde hair had gotten longer, her skin was flawless as always and her smile bright as ever.

She walked over and without hesitation pulled me into her arms.

"Oh my gosh you've gotten taller, look at my son! How are you Micah."

"I'm good mom, it's good to see you too, I miss you guys."

"We miss you too honey."

When she let go of me I turn to my dad.

"Hey dad, I miss you."

"Miss you too son, good to see you've been taking care of your self."

"Yeah, well I have someone with me I want you guys to meet."I smile

I step back to get Leo who was standing with my aunt. I took his hand and brought him forward.

"This is Leo, he's my boyfriend."

My parents stood in a bit of shock from what I said. They were staring at Leo and I could see the confusion in both their eyes because one, I never came out to them and two, Leo's tattoos were making them wonder about is background. My dad was the first one to collect himself and greet Leo.

"It's nice to meet you Leo it's good to see Micah met...uh someone." My dad reach out and shook Leo's hand and I smile, we're getting somewhere.

"Nice you meet you too Mr. and Mrs. Anderson."

"What do you do for a living Leo?" My mom ask rudely.

"Mom! Inappropriate."

"That's right Sarah." Aunt May said

"I just want to know."

"He's an entrepreneur." I spoke

My mom nod.

"Okay let's eat, I'm sure you guys have a lot to talk about with you son."My aunt said.

We sat down and began with lunch.
Leo and aunt May held conversations about flowers which I think was hilarious because Leo was actually interested in knowing about them. My parents and I catch up on things. My mom kept glancing at Leo but kept speaking to me and my dad. I knew she had a lot to ask. We had finish eating but stayed at the table to continue.

"So Leo, what do your tattoos mean?"

This woman have some weird question it was ridiculous

"Yes most of them mean something, about my family, my work, my past life and things I've learn along the way."

"You look quite familiar though, I've seen you on the tv."

"I don't think that's none of our business Sarah." My dad whispered to her.

"It is if he's with our son, that we didn't even know was gay." My mom hissed

"We know now and look at him, he's happy and that's all that matters."

"We can hear you guys." I sighed and Leo and my aunt laugh.

"Okay. Mom I know you wont let it go unless someone clear it up so let me tell you. Leo was the leader of the triple cross gang. We have been dating for months now and we're in love. He recently stepped down and before you say thats isn't the kind of person you pictured with me, Leo's business has nothing to do with how he treat me, he's a gentleman, he's loving and caring and care about my future and wellbeing. I haven't met anyone that I would want to be with more and I'm not looking because I've found happiness in him." I ended.

Leo took my hand under the table and squeeze it. I turn to him and he was grinning at me.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

"And I can also swear for Leo, since they have been together Micah have been so happy, Leo is a real gentleman and have earn my trust and loyalty. We all can see that they are in love. They belong together."

I smile at my aunt telling her a silent thank you and she return my smile.

I turn to my parents, my dad was smiling us. He stood and reached across the table for Leo's hand. Leo stood up and took his hand.

"I approve." My dad said

I squeal and clap my hands, I turn to my mom who was looking up at the men.


She took half a minute to think about everything.She then stood and reach across the table also for Leo's hand.

"I approve."

Epilogue soon.

Avoiding The Gang LeaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant