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To start off the story, the first location is at least needed. In this case, the spaceship can be the primary location most or all the story takes place.

We have the bridge and hydroponics bay from the dream. Will have the bridge be fairly small. Seats for five people. The hydroponics bay will be fairly large. I'll give it a higher ceiling than the bridge.

The ship will be two-story high, but wider than it is tall and longer than it is wide. The water recycling section will be under the hydroponics bay. I will put in a docking bay near the back and have it be two stories tall. Besides corridors, I'll have two small engine rooms. So, main engines on the left and right side of the ship. Oh, retractable landing gear legs on the bottom of the ship and a ramp comes down from the docking bay to load the ship.

Will stop there an move on to assigning characters to types.

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